In my job, not only is it important to read The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, but it’s key that we keep abreast of all the gossip columnists as well. I have been reading fellow ex-pat Texan Liz Smith in The New York Post for longer than I can remember. And, yes, she dishes as good as the rest. But the one thing about her column that always struck me was the inclusion of Texas—if there’s something to say about The Lone Star State, without fail, it’ll be said. And it always makes me long for home.
In her most recent book Dishing—a simmering pot of savory anecdotes mixed with recipes—she makes no bones about how much she adores Texas cuisine. She’s also recently penned a couple of very poignant remembrances of her dear friend Ann Richards that illuminates the true spirit of these two lively and adventurous ladies. I just knew she would be a natural for this new series. And so, without further ado, it’s my great pleasure to introduce my first Homesick Texan Q&A subject, Liz Smith.
Where are you from? Do you still have family there?
Born in Ft. Worth in 1923 when it was a hick town. I have good friends there still. My friends in Ft. Worth are my childhood chum Louise Lewis Barnhart...we were born 3 months apart...and Dan & June Jenkins and the Thurmonds and Wingos...I know Sid & Mercedes Bass but I see them mainly in NYC.
When and why did you leave Texas?
1949...to get to the top in NYC.
What do you miss the most about Texas?
Chicken Fried Steak.
What's your favorite Tex-Mex restaurant in Texas?
Mi Tierra in San Antonio. Joe T. Garcia in Ft Worth.
What's your favorite barbecue place in Texas?
Any place in Lockhart.
What do you order?
All of it!
Your chili: beans or no beans?
Just beans.
When you go to Texas, and you go to the grocery store, what's the
first thing you grab that you can't get where you live?
Rotel spiced tomatoes.
What's your favorite place to eat Texan food where you live now?
At home. There's no place I know of that's any good.
Ah...home. It's always the best place to get a good meal. And Rotel tomatoes? Always at the top of my list, too. Thank you, Liz. In any case, that concludes my first Homesick Texan quick Q&A. If you are a Homesick Texan or you know of any Homesick Texans that would like to participate, let me know!
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