
Every dog has its day

I was perusing Off the Broiler yesterday and I discovered this: a Paterson, NJ delicacy called the Hot Texas Weiner. Now Texas isn’t really known for its hot dogs. Corny dogs, sure, but when I was growing up, the biggest hot dog chain in Houston was called Coney Island and that says a lot. No, when I think of great hot dogs, I think of boiled Chicago dogs with their poppy-seed buns, their pickles, their tomatoes, their peppers and their dash of celery salt, or I think of New York’s all-beef dogs grilled and served with steamed onion sauce, sauerkraut and mustard.

I asked what's Texan about a Hot Texas Wiener, and well, nothing, really. Perhaps it's the chili, mustard and onions. But I think it's more likely another case of co-opting the Texas brand to conjure up something more glamorous. And can you really blame the hot-dog makers of Paterson? With all due respect, a Paterson, NJ dog just doesn’t sound as tasty as a Hot Texas Weiner. So if I can figure out how to get to Paterson, NJ, I’ll definitely give it a try. At least it sounds more Texan than the Ritz's Texas Breakfast.

Have you ever had a Hot Texas Weiner? What’s your favorite way to eat a hot dog?

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