
Jay Robb Egg White Protein

Jay Robb's Egg White Protein is amazing and makes fantastic gluten free, dairy and casein free ice cream! It is a bit expensive so save your pennies, but it is certainly worth the investment. This is the highest quality egg protein that I have tried so far and I adore it. I'll have a few recipes up here soon using this stuff- I use it in smoothies, ice cream desserts and sorbets, egg custard, and a few of my coconut flour creations.
I just ordered the 5 lb version of the vanilla flavor for my birthday gift :) As a note, if you are sensitive to Stevia, you shouldn't use this product since it does contain Stevia. Personally, it is vital that any product I use either have no sweeteners at all (this is preferable) or only use Stevia, Honey, Xylitol, or Agave- absolutely no artificial sweeteners, especially NOT aspartame! Though I am still trying to explain to my mother why Sweet N Low is bad... the "causes cancer" warning and documented detrimental health effects aren't persuasive enough for her :)
Here's the blurb off the Jay Robb website for the rest of us...

Egg White Protein
Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Unflavored
  • 24 Grams Of Protein Per Serving
  • Lactose Free
  • No Fat
  • No Cholesterol
  • No MSG
  • No Aspartame
  • No Acesulfame-K
  • No Sucralose
  • No Artificial Flavors
  • No Artificial Sweeteners
  • No Artificial Colors
  • From Chickens Not Treated with Hormones

Contains No
  • Dairy
  • Casein
  • Lactose
  • Fructose
  • Aspartame
  • Acesulfame-K
  • Sucralose
  • Refined Sugar
  • Corn Syrup

  • Artificial Flavors
  • Artificial Sweeteners
  • Artificial Colors
  • Fat
  • Cholesterol
  • Gluten
  • Wheat
  • Chemicals

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