
Bison Chili [Low Carb]

The pictures don't do this guy justice... our camera is on the fritz so we're on the market for a new one- suggestions? More likely the bad pictures are (my) user error :) This tastes delicious and the bison is a fantastic rich meat which is high in protein, B12, selenium and many other vitamins and minerals. Bison is a nice alternative to other red meats also, especially if you cannot get grass fed meats easily since bison is not treated with antibiotics or hormones. Note: I labeled this recipe "quick and easy" since it is quick to prepare and the cooking is hands-off in the Crockpot, but the 8 hr cooking time isn't quick at all.

Low Carb Gluten Free Dairy Free Bison Bean Chili
1 lb natural ground bison
28 oz. can organic diced tomatoes
1 14 oz can organic Italian cherry tomatoes
1 organic carrot, minced
1 15 oz. can Eden organic black soybeans* (drained)
1 15 oz can organic tri-bean blend* (drained)
1 large white onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic
1/2" chunk ginger
1/2" horseradish
1 jalapeƱo, minced
2 T. extra virgin olive oil

1 t. crushed red pepper
Italian seasoning
dash cayenne pepper

Spray your slow cooker and combine and mix the bison, seasonings and chopped onion together in the Crockpot. Add the beans and the tomatoes. Cook on low for 6-8 hours.

* You can use any bean (or no beans) you wish; I do NOT advocate the use of unfermented soy products due to detrimental health effects (I have a soy post in the making), but I do eat black soy beans on rare occasion. I chose black soy beans since they do not raise my blood sugar levels- almost all of the carbs are fiber so they are the "low carb bean." Celiacs are prone to thyroid problems and unfermented soy will aggravate this condition (among many others), so watch out. Since unfermented soy has such a negative impact on the thyroid, add some sea vegetable flakes (seaweed) or iodized salt to your chili when you use the black soy beans. Careful reading of the Eden black soy bean can even shows that even they include seaweed with the canned beans.

In general, however, we use plain old organic beans which I vary by type to get a full spectrum of fiber, protein, and nutrients.

Low Carb Gluten Free Dairy Free Bison Bean ChiliCindalou's Kitchen Blues: Healthy Celiac / Coeliac Gluten and Dairy Free Recipes
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