
Flourless Peanut Butter Flax Cookies [Vegan]

Gluten Free Dairy Free Vegan Peanut Butter Vanilla Flax Cookies
~ 1/2 lb no salt organic peanut butter
1/2 c. natural apple sauce, unsweetened
15-20 (handful) unsweetened cranberries
1 c. flax seed, ground
1/4 c. natural brown sugar
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. gluten free vanilla
dash sea salt

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until smooth; I recommend doing this quickly since the flax rapidly absorbs the moisture from the peanut butter and applesauce. Once the dough is smooth, spray 2 cookie sheets with nonstick spray and preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Roll the dough into little balls in your palms and place on the pan. Use your (greased) spatula to press the dough down to form a cookie. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until brown (slightly more brown- the flax and peanut butter are already brown :) ). Ensure the cookie is sufficiently done by checking that it will not fall apart once cool. Cool cookies then devour. Note: these are not too sweet- they have a nice sweet residual taste. You may wish to add more brown sugar if you like sweet cookies.

Throw in some frozen raw cranberries

Gluten Free Dairy Free Vegan Peanut Butter Vanilla Flax CookiesCindalou's Kitchen Blues: Healthy Celiac / Coeliac Gluten and Dairy Free Recipes
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