
And suddenly... a Risotto

I'm here in Amsterdam, a city that I love and admire. It would be a beautiful place to live... but, the weather is not the kind of weather I like.

Here I am in my room waiting for the rain to stop. Outside is cold, foggy and wet and I decide to go for room service. I ask for a vegetarian risotto and to my surprise, it has the three ingredients asked for the November's Joust (theleftoverqueen.com): mushrooms, herbs and cheese!

I still haven't had the time to cook my recipe, but it's all in my head! I'll be posting it next week. Meanwhile, here is a Symphony of the vegetarian Risotto's short life in 3 movements: Shyness, proudness "ma non tropo" and terminus horribilis!


Proudness, ma non tropo
Terminus horribilis
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