It was that time of the week again. Last Friday, it was my (Jon) turn to make dinner. As it turned out, I got away with making a soup and putting together some leftovers. Keeping in line with my previous dinner ( Seared Sashimi Tuna ), I got the idea for this soup from Alisa's Asparagus Soup w/ Wild Garlic @ Go Dairy Free. Check out my gluten free, dairy free, vegan low carb, etc asparagus soup below!
2 c. low sodium organic vegetable broth
2/3 c. dry white wine
8-10 fresh basil leaves, chopped
4 cloves fresh garlic
3/4" chunk fresh ginger
~1 lb (bundle) fresh asparagus
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
1 t. gluten free "It's a Dilly" salt-free dill and lemon seasoning
sea salt and pepper
2-3 squirts lime juice
2 T. organic hemp protein powder
Once all of your ingredients are in order, start by chopping the tips (~ 1") off your asparagus. I used these later for garnish and texture. Cut your remaining asparagus into ~ 2" sections. To soften, you're going to steam these sections for about 5 minutes. I steamed the asparagus (as opposed to boil) because I wanted to retain the nutrients and color. Fill your Vita-Mix (or other blender) with vegetable (or chicken) broth, white wine, garlic, ginger, olive oil and seasonings. Add all (depending on the strength of your blender) the steamed asparagus and blend. With a Vita-Mix, you can blend until the soup is hot and steamy. If your blender cannot heat, puree the asparagus soup ingredients and warm in your microwave. Once steamy, drop in your asparagus tips and chopped basil leaves.
For an optional protein boost, stir in hemp protein powder at any time during preparation. Serve hot and enjoy :)
Makes 5-6 cups (2+ large bowls).

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