

These risotto balls make great party food. You can fry them 3-4 hours in advance, and then reheat them at 350 degrees F. just before serving.

:Makes 20

1 Recipe Basic Risotto Parmesan Left To Cool For At Least 4 Hours

2 oz. Mozzarella Cheese Cut Into 1/2 Inch Dice

1 Piece Cooked Ham, Cut Into 1/2 Inch Dice

2 Cups Seasoned Bread Crumbs

Oil For Frying

Take a small handful of rice about 2 Tablespoons full in your hands and shape into a shallow cup. Place in the cup, a piece of mozzarella and ham. Enclose the rice around the cheese, and roll into a round ball. Roll the rice ball in bread crumbs and set aside. Continue in this manner until all the rice has been used.

Heat the oil in a large pot or deep fryer until a frying thermometer registers 375 degrees F. Carefully slip 5-6 balls into the hot oil at a time, and fry until golden brown. Drain on absorbent towels, and keep warm until you are ready to serve.

by Deborah Mele
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