
Bagoong Fried Rice


1 pc egg, cooked as omelet then cut into thin strips 1 head garlic

crushed 1 medium (50 g) onion,

sliced 1 Tbsp ginger strips 2 pcs siling haba (cayenne pepper),

seeded then sliced 1/2 cup ground pork

3 Tbsp bagoong alamang (shrimp paste)

1/4 cup oil 1 can (140 g) DEL MONTE Tomato Sauce

5 cups cooked rice 1 small (175 g) green mango, cut into thin strips 1 stalk green onion, chopped.

Recipe Properties:

Saute garlic, onion, ginger, sili, ground pork and alamang in oil. Cook for 5 minutes. Add DEL MONTE Tomato Sauce. Cook for another 5 minutes.

Add rice and mango. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring continuously. Serve with green onions and egg strips on top.

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