

Tasty little filled pillows make a nice appetizer or between meal snack.

:Serves 4:

Here is just a basic filling, but you can fill them with almost anything!

2 Balls Basic Pizza Dough Defrosted

1 1/4 Cups Diced Tomatoes, or Prepared Tomato Sauce

10 oz. Mozzarella Cheese, Thinly Sliced

Salt And Pepper

2 Tablespoons Fresh Basil, Finely Chopped

Oil For Frying

If using fresh tomatoes, place in a small pot and cook until they produce a thick sauce, about 10 minutes. Take the prepared dough after the first rising, and shape it into a long loaf, and divide it into 12 parts. Roll each of these parts on a lightly floured surface into a 3-4 inch diameter circle. Place a spoonful of tomato mixture on each circle, sprinkle with fresh basil, salt and pepper and cover with a slice of mozzarella. Lightly moisten the edges with water and pinch to seal. Fry in batches until golden brown. Drain well on paper towels and serve hot.

Buon Appetito!
Deborah Mele 2002
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