
Trype Madrid-Style - Callos

Special dressing: Elvis Presley (Cook me tender, cook me through... ups! Love me tender, love me true)

I could understand some of you thinking... wow how disgusting... I would never try that! But, here in Spain is one of the most valuated traditional dishes. I never made it before because I'm not much into it, but my husband loves it and I decided to look for the recipe and show it to you.

I always thought that this dish was originally from Madrid but, to my surprise, (you always learn something new) it's originally from Asturias. If you look at the map notice that Asturias is in the North of the peninsula and Madrid in the center, and it's not the only recipe, you can also find Callos (that's how they are called in Spanish) in the Andaluzan-Style and Extremadura-Style too. I've chosen the Madrid ones for this recipe, but I've also find out that depending on who wrote the recipe some ingredients may be different and the method can change a bit too... After this looooooong introduction, here is the recipe.

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•Ingredients for 4 servings: 1 ½ kilos of veal trype, 1 veal’s hand, 100 grs. Pork fat, 1 ham bone, 2 black puddings, 2 farm-made spiced sausages, 1 garlic head, 2 onions, olive oil, parsley, bay leaf, flour, paprika, milled white pepper and salt.

•When preparing this dish, the prior cleaning of the veal’s trype and hand is of the utmost importance. My butcher sells it clean and I don’t have to go through all the cleaning process. (if not your case, see end of recipe for procedure)
•Boil the intestines and the hand in a casserole full of water, when it boils, leave for 5 minutes and discard all water.
•Add fresh water to the trype and hand and add the pork fat, the ham bone, the black puddings, the spiced sausage, one onion, the garlic, the bay leaf, the parsley and the salt and pepper.
•When it boils again, take the foam away and turn heat very low and have it cooking for 3 hours.

•In a frying pan drop some olive oil and lightly fry the onion, when transparent,
•Add the hot paprika and a spoonful of flour. Stir for 8 minutes aprox and pour to the casserole.

•Bring to the boil again and alllow the whole thing to simmer for 15 more minutes. Once ready, take the bones of the ham and the veal hand away and cut in medium pieces the hand meat.

•Callos taste much better the day after.
•The texture is very gelatinous and the taste… unforgettable!

•Hope you enjoy it! As a main dish (serve in individual earthenware dishes)
•Or as a tapa!
•The cleaning procedure is as follows: Scrap the intestines with a knife, scalding them in boiling water and, with the help of a brush, scrubbing them with salt and lemon juice or vinegar, until all the fat is removed. Then they should be rinsed several times.

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