First of all, I want to let you know that I'm not a religious person, but in view of the fact that I'm falling into temptation... just wanted to see how many sins I will commit.

Here you have my dilemma!!! Isn't it beautiful? Ohhhh, adorable... and the purple colour... soo cute and will fit so nicely in my kitchen... I just have to have it! Do I need it? Noooooo, I already have the Italian one: makes such good coffees, I had it for years, it has such classical design... but look at Nespresso one, it will be so nice to have it now for Xmas, my family will be able to choose between all these different kinds of coffees: Ristretto, Arpeggio, Roma, Livanto, Capriccio... only by hearing their names their smell comes to my nose!!!
So I guess I will be a bad and spoiled girl and ask Santa for this Nespresso coffee machine! Let's see how many Deadly Sins I will fall in:
Luxuria - Lust Well, maybe George Cloney could arise some "nice" thoughts in me... He is playing that sweet role in the commercial... and he has this handsome face... yes maybe this is the first sin!
Gula - Gluttony Definitely Yes! I won't have enough with just one coffee!!!
Avaritia - Greed Yes, I must have this new Machine, it's so lovely and so easy to clean!
Acedia - Sloth No, this one doesn't go with me. I will be so pleased to prepare the coffees, I will jump from the chair/sofa just by the simple mention of the key words: coffe, george clooney, nespresso, bla.
Ira - Wrath Once I have it don't even try to take it away from me or you'll see my worst side... Mr Hide was a joke... I can get very angry!!!
Invidia - Envy This is what I will provoke to the people coming over my house and seeing that purple beauty in my kitchen... well, what can I do?, just ask Santa to have one like mine!
Superbia - Pride Sure I will feel so prideful and happy.
So, you are all welcome to my kitchen hell to have a cup or two or as many as you wish, of this great coffee!!! Salud! Cheers!
Special dressing: Seven deadly sins (don't know authors) Turn player on
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