I've been gone forever, and quite frankly, have no excuses for my absence. I've been cooking and baking constantly. If anything, I've been experimenting more in an attempt to master baking without refined sugar, saving my pennies for maple sugar and the like.
So as punishment, the gods of cake have forced upon me a ruined dessert that is readily photogenic and blog-able.
Desperately seeking dessert, I threw together what I had hoped would be a simple honey cake with raspberries. Having no butter, I used my vegan cake recipe as the base. I adjusted it slightly to account for the honey. And went ahead and topped it with the only raspberries in this cold, dank season: the ones in my cold, dank freezer.
Alas, it was not to be, as the cake did not rise even slightly. To add insult to injury, it had the stodgy texture of day-old pita bread. And this was with an old standby recipe and regular flour!
Anyhow, it was still very pretty, so I've included it here to remind me of what I wish all my cakes looked like.

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