Special dressing: The wonder boy... don't know who's signing, but I fell in love with that voice! (turn player on)
This could be a potatoe salad, or an avocado salad or even a salmon salad... but now that Valentine's Day is getting near, I want it to be an Aphrodisiac Salad!

I'm taking part in the Event Cucina d'Amore at Mele Cotte and I chose this ingredients because they are supposed "to get you high" sensualy and sexualy speaking!
Eve tried it with an apple and I will try it with this salad. Your man or your woman will follow his/her basic instincs when trying it because: first you will have something really really nice on, second there will be no kids around the house, third your favourite music will be playing, fourth you will have it ready in the fridge and the table will be set with candles and a good Rioja red wine and fifth (now comes the scientific and boring part) you'll be eating Omega3, a good bunch of vitamines (E and D among them), proteins and minerals... what else do you need, ugh?
I've read, although I never heard this before, that it is said that all aphrodisiac properties are concentrated in the avocado seed and that men eat it to improve their viril power... just in case anyone is interested, first the seed has to be immersed in milk to soften.
Ok, here you have the ingredients and procedure... soooooo easy! Servings for 2, of course
1 big potatoe
1 package of smoked salmon
1 avocado
1 small red onion
1 small tomatoe salad
some parsley
a good spurt of extra virgin olive oil
thick sea salt
black pepper
Boil the potatoe, when tender cool it down and when cold cut in thick slices. Place in the plate. Add some salmon on top of the potatoe and some avocado small dices on top of the salmon.
With the minced onion and tomatoe and another cut slice of salmon prepare a guacamole. Once you have all these ingredients in a bowl, add a good spurt of oil and some salt and pepper. Stir and reserve in the fridge.
Cut the rest of the avocado in small pieces and add to the bowl. Place in a heart's tin and add it to the plate.
Drop some oil on top of everything and the sea salt, decorate with some parsley and colored peppers.
HAVE FUN!!! And boys don't forget to chew the seed... it's too big to swallow it ;-)
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