I was shocked. I thought everyone grow up eating beanie wienies, the simple yet satisfying mix of pork and beans with sliced hot dogs.
Perhaps it’s just a name thing as some people might know them as frank and beans, though I think beanie wienie is much more fun to say. And while there are canned versions made by Van De Camp sold under the name Beenie Weenie, it’s not that hard to slice your own hot dogs into a pot of beans—such a cinch, in fact, that a kid could do it. I know I did and my mom also grew up making herself beanie wienies. But what about beanie wienies for grown-ups? Even though it’s considered a kid food, they are still satisfying on a cold snowy day, no matter how sophisticated your palate.
Laura and I served several hors d'oeuvres such as bacon-wrapped dates, spinach-stuffed mushrooms, a cheese plate and toast points with cheap caviar we bought at Randall’s. (And it was these little bites that ended up getting me in trouble with my parents as my mom found toothpicks all over the house, not to mention mushroom and spinach on the ceiling since I’d turned on the blender without the lid. I was busted!) We served a salad and then it was time for the main course. When planning our menu, we couldn’t decide on what to cook so we decided to be silly and serve our childhood favorite—beanie wienies.
Our guests thought it was hilarious and it was a fun way to say good-bye to childhood, dressed up in our Sunday best slurping beanie wienies from fine china. But what we hadn’t done was make them from scratch or more flavorful by adding spices or condiments. And while I was thinking about this party, I realized it was probably the last time in my life I’d eaten beanie wienies. Twenty years is too long.
Using only salt pork, molasses, coffee, chile powder and mustard, after several hours in the oven these baked beans were rich, smoky, fiery, slightly bitter and slightly sweet—definitely not your canned pork and beans! Throw in some slices of good quality hot dogs and I now had beanie wienies complex enough that an adult would enjoy them, though just sweet and silly enough that a kid would love them, too. Beanie wienies—welcome back into my life!
Did you grow up eating beanie wienies? How did you make them?
Beanie Wienies for Grown-Ups (method adapted from Mark Bittman)
1 pound of pinto beans
1 onion, diced
4 cloves of garlic
1/4 pound of salt pork, diced
1 tablespoon canola oil
1/2 cup molasses
3 T chile powder (I used a mix of ancho and chipotle chile powders)
1 teaspoon pequin or cayenne
2 teaspoon mustard powder
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup of black coffee
Pinch of baking soda
8 good-quality hot dogs, sliced into ½ inch thick slices
1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.
2. Soak the beans in a pot filled with 8 cups of water overnight, or do a quick soak by boiling the beans in 8 cups of water and then covering the pot with a lid for one hour.
3. Heat the canola oil in a large pot on medium, and sauté onions until translucent, about 10 minutes.
4. Add the garlic and cook for a couple of minutes.
5. Stir in the molasses, chile powder, cayenne, mustard powder and brown sugar.
Add the soaked beans, and stir in coffee, baking soda and diced salt pork.
6. Add enough water to cover beans with two inches of water.
7. Cover the pot, and place in the oven. Leave alone for 2 hours.
8. After two hours, stir beans, add more water if needed, cover and then leave in the oven for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on beans tenderness.
9. Take pot out of the oven, and taste beans. Make taste adjustments with mustard powder, chile powder, and molasses if necessary. The beans should be tender at this point. If they're not, cook covered a while longer until they are.
10. Turn up heat to 400 degrees, uncover pot, and add hot dogs and cook for 30 more minutes or until sauce is thick.
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