I'm glad this Meme game has nearly nothing to do with the one I knew, so thank you Heather for tagging me, it's fun!!! For those of you who still don't know her, she is a great cook (my bet in the LeftoverQueen's Joust this month), she's got a strong fantastic character and she owns this superamusing food blog: Gild the Voodoolily
Ok, the game consists in: 1. Link to your tagger and post these rules. 2. Share 5 facts about yourself 3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them). 4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their Blogs.
Here you have my 5 life secret anecdotes:

1.- One of my best holiday trips ever was the 1992 summer's one. A friend of mine and I spent 15 days biking through Holland, we biked for nearly 300 kilometers, had wonderful weather, met beautiful people, slept in comfortable youth hostels, most of them were castles!!! Developed our leg muscles (nearly got Arnold Swatzenager's size) and discovered all fietspad possible: through Little Red Ridding Hood forests, city routes, wild and protected parks, enchanted little villages.... Super recommended holiday! A great experience!
2.- I don't have a car driving license... amazing uh? When I was a kid, my father had a big car accident, he had serious injuries. My aunt had another car accident, a heavy one too... I just thought that getting a car license meant that after one or two years you were supposed to have a car accident... it was something one had to go through! Like part of a test! In a corner of my mind I was scared. 9 months ago, more or less, I got one of this small cars that don't need driving license just a small test and you are done... I love driving!!!!!! But my car won't pass from 50 Km per hour... I feel like a snail in the road.
3.- When I was 26 more or less, on a sunday morning I was in a bank automatic cashier dispenser getting some money and somebody got close to me, put a knife in my back and asked for all my money! When this kind of thing has never happened to you before, you think, at least I did, that you will turn hit his balls with your knee and run to your house or somewhere crowed and dissapear... But when it happens... I could only say... please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me! And I gave him all my money!

4.- When I was a small girl, about 2 or 3, I had short hair and my only wish was to have it longer, so whenever I had the opportunity, I took a couple of cloth pegs and 2 kitchen cloths and clamp the pegs in my hair. I would go around the house shaking my head and showing everybody my "long hair". That's why when I grew up, I never wanted my mom to cut it.
5.- One of my biggest fears is going through my daughter's teenage years. Mine were kind of wild, and just thinking about all things she might encounter makes me so scared! I wish, I hope, I begg that all her experiences will be for good and that she takes the correct path.
Well, and now that you know a bit more about me, I have to tagg 5 more people, the ones I know more have already been tagged, so I've been forced to tagg some of you I'm not as close to as I would wish, but maybe this game helps and we end up being great foodie friends! If you feel like not getting into it... fine, it's your choice, don't feel obliged!
One.- Ley from Cilantro and Lime. Yes we do know each other, hope you like the game, if not... I'm sorry, but I felt like tagging you.
Two.- Mansi from Fun and Food. This would go to the first part of your blog's name: Fun... just if you wish.
Three.- D. from Wicked Good Dinner. I had to involve you... ups! Hope you like the game.
Four.- Mallory from The Salty Cod. Please Mallory, let us know more about you!
Five.- Meeta from What's for Lunch, Honey? I would love to hear about some more stories of yours!
And this is it!
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