
Nice Matters Award

Bella Enchanted is Genevieve's blog and this is the first time I hear of her blog. It's not exactly that I heard of her... I looked for the person who designed the Nice Matters Award because... (and here imagine myself jumping and clapping and smiling like a kid) I've been nominated!!!! My very first Award!!!! I'm sooooo happy about it... and you might think I've gone nuts, but maybe is just that when I get good news my serotonin and endorfin hormones levels overfloow my brain and leave me in an ecstasy state!

Ha, ha, ha, Ok, now I get serious about it. I've received the Award from Sweetheart Bellini Valli, who's always been there, since the very begining with her comfort food and comfort words. Her love for Greece and also her love for Canada show in every post. Also the love for her daughter is always there and gives her blog this very sweet taste. Thanks Val!!!

I've also been nominated by BigHearted Ivy!!! I've known her for a month or two now and she is also a Wonderful person, always there for you. With delicious recipes that will transport you to Greece and Cyprus. Her wide hystory knowledge will take you to ancient times where greeks still praid to antique gods. Thanks Ivy!!!

As Genevieve said in the very first post back to August 2007 of the Nice Matters Award : This award will be awarded to those that are just nice people , good blog friends and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others that are there to lend support or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!

So, eventhough I know some of them have been nominated already, I want to show my gratitude to the following foodie bloggers:

Jenn DiPiazza is like my Godmother in foodieblogger matters. She has been so nice to me (she is nice with everybody), she has helped me, answered my questions and doubts, encouraged me through her wise words and posts... She is a Wonderful and Generous woman! Thanks Jenn for beeing always there, eventhough I know you must be soooooo busy, you always have 5 minutes to comment on my blog. I appreciate that so much!!!

If Jenn is like my godmother, then Peter is like my Godfather! Peter is also a Wonderful person that's helped me a lot! He has huge knowledge on Greek food and living in Canada didn't freeze his sweet-charming-hot mediterranean temper! Thank you Peter for your words and good advise. I feel so honored to be among the ones you care for!!!

Katie from Thyme for Cooking is one of my favourites too. I feel so connected to her (maybe because she spent some time in Andorra and has visited Spain and knows us Spaniards a bit). Her sense of humour is hilarious, I always have a good laugh when I visit her blog and she cares so much for bloog relations, always has a kind word or a funny comment. Her recipes are a senses delight! Thanks so much Katie, guapa!!!

Emiline the sweetest Sugarplum on blogosphere. She is so wise and yet so young, so skilled and so daring/darling! She always has a kind word and a sweet treat for everyone. I hope that life treats her well and see her dreams come true... go to N.Y. and get her studies finished on what she likes! You deserve it Emiline and I'm sure you will accomplish it. A big Bravo for you!!!

Heather, the heavyduty spicyfoodblogger, the sharpest mind in the blogosphere, she has this big heart under her strong f&&&&&& words. A hot tempered woman that will show you how to cook great dishes and have a good laugh too! Thanks for being there Heather and adding some hot spices to our "dishes"!!!

Please, all nominees should carry and pass the torch to others if you wish. It's always nice to receive an award like this because it means that people care for you! Thanks again Val and Ivy!

There's so many other foodiebloggers I would love to mention here, please don't think I'm not with you... it's only that I had to choose 5, but all foodies that show in my "Foodiebloggers I'd share a coffee with" section are considered good friends and you all have something special that makes me go back to your blogs so frequently!
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