This is one of the things in life that one must try at least once! If you dare... because the first time won't be the last time, I swear!!!
I'm introducing you the simpliest, the tastiest, the itgoeswellwithanything... PA AMB TOMÀQUET, which would be Bread with Tomatoe. But this is just a simple translation... to do the right thing, please:
1.- Grab a ripe tomatoe and cut in half.
2.- Cut a nice slice of bread. You can either toast it or not.
3.- Take half tomatoe and rub it over the bread's surface. Make sure you squeeze it while you rub it. The bread slice will absorb the tomatoe juice.
4.- Sprinkle with some salt.
5.- Add a generous quantity of Extra Virgin olive oil on top.
Special dressing: James Brown - I feel Good!!!
You have it! You are done! You are half Catalan now! Congratulations! And now the best part, bite it, taste it, chew it, swallow it... Isn't it fantastic? Well, it is... but you can still improve it: have you got some canned tunna fish, yes? Ok, put it on top, eat it, lovely... uhhh? Have you got a strong desire for omelette? Take two slices of bread with the rubbed tomatoe, place the omelette in between and eat it as a sandwich... can you hear the bells? And even better, any chorizo, iberian acorn ham, just ham, or even cheese? Same procedure... bite, chew, swallow... there you are... in heaven!
This is not a difficult recipe, it doesn't have hard steps or exotic ingredients. Please try it! I want to have some feed back!!! You will be happy to taste it :D
Where can you find the best Iberian Acorn ham in town and in the whole world? Just a click away. Say you know me and get a discount or even a gift!!!

All Iberian Charcuturie: from chorizos to Acorn Ham, wines selection and a familiar and pleasant treaty.
I'm here waiting for your comments!!!
JUST ONE MORE THING: Teresa brought to my attention that I should mention the kind of bread you should use to get a perfect pa amb tomàquet, and she is completely right, sorry, I forgot. The best bread is the peasant one, don't use a loaf bread or sweetened sorts.
See a picture of our Pa de pagès.
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