
Pinchos Morunos - Joust Event

Special dressing: Millie Jackson (one of the hotest women on scene... no need for spices)

These are called Pinchos Morunos, maybe you call them Kebabs? This is my first time doing the recipe... but, really, is so easy that anyone can do it... even me! :D

I'm offering it to Peter, Mr. Kalofagas, The Greek omnipresent foodieman. I'm sure you all know him. He is now getting a foodie affection for all countries surrounding mediterranean sea, not only Greece, but also the ones that belong to Africa. This is an Arab recipe, and nearby my house there is a small morocco's shop which sells all spices needed for Pinchos.

So, Chico, this one is for you, hope you enjoy it!!! Thanks for being there!

Also, this is my entry for The Leftover Queen's month's Joust! Where Jenn DiPiazza wears her crown and rules her blog beautifully!!! If you still haven't heard of her or the Joust please follow the link, it's worth, you'll have fun and find good foodiefriends there. Hip, hip, hurray for the Queen!!!!

This month's ingredients were: Pork, a citrus and pink or white pepper. Perfect for Pinchos! However, the original recipe is done with Lamb, you know that musulman arabs cannot eat pork. So it's up to you, choose the meat you like the best.

Ingredients for 4-6 servings: 900 grs. of pork loin cut in dices (2-3 cmts. each), 6 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 fresh lemon juices and part of their grated peels, 4 smashed garlic cloves, 4 tablespoons of fresh minced parsley, 2 tablespoons of spices mixture called Ras-el-Hanout, some salt and some white ground pepper.

Ras-el-Hanout: galanga, roses buds, black pepper, ginger, cardamom, niguela, chile, Jamaican pepper, lavender, cassia, coriander, nutmeg and clove.

The night before get a plain dish ready (no metal) and place the pork cut in dices. In a separate bowl mix the olive oil, the lemons, the garlics, the parsley and the spices mixture. Sprinkle with salt and white ground pepper. Drop on top of the pork meat, mix it and place in the fridge with a cover.

Next day, take out of the fridge one hour before so that it gets the room temperature. Mix it again.

To cook the meat you can either use metal or wooden large sticks. If you use wooden, have them in water half an hour before so that they don't burn when you cook the Pinchos. If you use metal, just grease them before you insert the meat.

Preheat the oven's grill and after 15 minutes place the pinchos in the oven in one of the upper positions. Grill for 10 to 15 minutes and keep them turning and dropping the rest of the sauce on top of them.

Eat them hot and decorate with some parsleyand white and pink peppers. Once done, you can add a bit of salt on top and some drops of olive oil. Buen provecho!!!

We have had these pinchos today for lunch and they were so tasty and hot... I'm not used to eat hot, so I though that we could have something to balance that strong flavour and we had a fresh green onion + avocado + tomatoe + olive oil and salt salad... I tell you, great combination!!! :D and also wanted to have a different dessert fresh and yummy that would get our tongues to their initial state. So, here you have Mango with Strawberries with a drop of Pacharán. Dare to try it, it's wonderful ♥♥♥

Just peel two mangos and mix with a food processor, add 3 tablespoons of Pacharán. On top place 6 to 8 pieces of strawberries. Put in the fridge and eat cold. Pacharán is a Basque- Navarre liquor made out of sloe berries among other things, lovely flavour. If you don't find it, just use a liquor you think it might go well with mango and strawberries... up to you :D

To prepare strawberries, please follow the recipe on the market post: 1/2 kilo strawberries, 2 -3 tablespoons of sugar, a spurt of good vinegar and some ground black pepper. Mix, place in the fridge and use after 4/5 hours.
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