
Duck's Breast Dressed in Nuts and Herbs with Raspberries' Sauce

Time for the LeftOverQueen Joust again!!! You still have some days left to enter into this FANTABULOUS Foodie Event! Easy rules, great entries, big expectation, wonderful recipes... what else can you ask for? The Joust is served! For those of you who still don't know who Jenn is, I'll tell you: She is the woman in charge, She is the 5 Michellin Aprons' owner ;-)... still reading? Run to her place and join the feast!!!

This month's ingredients were: Lime (hard to find here... but I did), raspberries (harder to find here... but I found a wonderful jam) and almonds (there's plenty of almonds here... no problem with that).

I've been thinking and thinking what could I do with those ingredients and when I finally get the picture of jam raspberry's muffins... Meghan from Craving for Perfection has been faster than me! So after searching through all my books and magazines, I got some inspiration from a Spanish recipe: Duck with cherries sauce (which I'll post about some day).

If you have never tasted duck's breast... please do! It's one of the tastiest meats and so tender... Mmmm. Just delicious! If you combine it with a sweet ingredient... then, my friend, you'll be in heaven!!!

These are some of the wild ducks we have at the mouth of the Ebro River (south of Catalonia).

The breasts I used for this recipe are not from wild ducks, though. I went to a farm where they are raised in captivity but in a big space and in day light and good grain. All these shows in their meat... Mmmmm. Ok, now to the recipe!

Ingredients for 4 servings: 2 ducks' breasts, 4 raspberries jam's tablespoons, 1 lime's juice, 20 grs of toasted ground almond, 20 grs of ground walnuts, 2 teaspoons of provence herbs, 3 or 4 olive oil tablespoons, some black ground pepper and thick sea salt.
  • Heat a big pan and when it's very hot add the 2 breasts. First do the fat skin one and when it's brown, do the other side. Notice that it leaves a lot of oily fat; to avoid boiling the breast in its own fat, first cook one - empty the pan from the oil - and do the other after. Once they brown in both sides, reserve.
  • Preheat oven at 200ºC.
  • Prepare the walnuts, almonds and herbs and throw them in a mortar and smash until you get small pieces, add the olive oil and some salt. Reserve.
  • With a kitchen brush or with a spoon, add the nuts mixture to the breasts. Both sides should be covered.
  • When the oven has achieved 200ºC place the breasts in a Pyrex glass container and over the middle rack. Have for 10 to 12 minutes.
  • Meanwhile prepare a sauce with the raspberries jam, the lime juice and a sprinkle of ground black pepper.
  • To serve the dish: Cut the breasts in slices, drop some thick sea salt on top and add the raspberries sauce to one side of the plate. Mix all ingredients while eating. The contrast of flavours is spectacular!

Enjoy it :D
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