
Three typical Mediterranean trees, which I love, are: The cypress, the fig tree and the olive tree.
The cypress is associated to the death. Our cemeteries are full of them, it was thought that its large shape erected from earth to the sky would help the souls of the dead people to reach heaven. But the cypress is also associated to hospitality, and this is what I really want to tell you about.Here in Catalonia, long time ago, there was a tradition followed by most of the Catalan country houses, called Masias: they used the cypresses as a sign to show their hospitality grade: One cypress beside the house would mean that poor people, or priests travelling had the right to stop for a small quantity of food: some wine+bread+some sausage, two cypresses meant that they could get a full lunch or dinner and three cypresses showed the right to have 2 meals there and also a space to spend the night.
I'm adopting this tradition here in my blog and from now on, this will be a 2 Cypresses blog. The second tree I love is the Fig tree and specially the variety that has two fruits: the first one during spring and the second one during summer. This fig tree is called Higuera brevera and the Brevas (spring fruit) are bigger, more flavourful and whiter inside than figs (summer fruit), which are sweeter than brevas and more red inside.
Now the recipe I'll show you is not even a recipe because there's no cooking involved, you will only need the following ingredients: Iberian acorn ham (European and Japanese whom want to buy some, follow this link) and figs or brevas and a good glass of wine. It's as easy as peeling the fig and cutting it in two. Then wrap it with the Ham and get ready for one of the most amazing sensory experiences of your life!!! The contrast of flavours, textures, and sensations you will feel will teletransport you directly to the Mediterranean :D. If you can't get Iberian acorn ham, (if you are in the States follow this link to buy some online) try it with some serrano ham... this will only teletransport you 100 meters from your house ;-).
The bad news are that my camera broke! It's been with me for 6 years now and suddenly without a word... it passed away! I think it saw the white light (the LCD screen became white all of a sudden). Is this a sign? My husband couldn't believe this had happened when a week or two ago I mentioned that I would like to have a more professional camera... It must be a sign! I swear I didn't do anything wrong with it :D. I saw this beauty on sale: Nikon D40 with a 18-55mm and couldn't resist the temptation...
So today's special dressing, as you might have guessed - smart friends - is: I got a Nikon camera! From Paul Simon.You will see that the figs' pictures are taken with an old camera I had at home and the trees ones belong to my shinny Nikon :D! We are getting to know each other, but see the difference!
And finally the Olive tree with its twisted trunk and wonderful shade is so basic in our diet and culture. But this post is getting too long and I will talk about Olive trees, Olive oil and Olives some other day during next month.
Meanwhile, eat healthy and enjoy food and life! Buen fin de semana! Have a great weekend :D
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