
Chicken Sweet Corn Soup

1 tin sweet corn-cream style*4 cups chicken stock2 tbsp cornflour1 1/2 tsp salt1/4 tsp ajino moto (optional)1 egg, slightly beaten1/2 cup cooked diced chicken.

Dissolve the cornflour in 1/2 cup water and keep aside. Empty the contents of the corn tin into a saucepan add the stock and bring to a boil. Add the cornflour solution and let simmer for about 10 minutes. Add the salt and the shredded chicken and keep on simmer. Pour the egg in a thin stream over the simmering soup, stirring slowly all the time. Add the ajino moto and serve hot.

* Alternatively, you can crush some boiled corn, add enough water to make it into a thick, dough like consistency and use.
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