
Green Peas with Egg and Bacon

Special dressing: Cabaret. Money makes the world go round (turn player on)

Green on white. White on green, the colours of my blog. Green peas... Greenpeace... Please, let the green govern us! How can we make it this time? How can we continue being advanced, modern, fast, industrious, spoiled... Do we have the right to forbid natural resources to countries that start getting developed? Do we have the right to pollute our air because it's cheaper to pay the fine? How are we going to manage this crisis? Oil is getting the higher prices ever and also it's a resource that will soon have an end... Our world functions around Oil. Cabaret's song should change and say... ♫Oil makes the world go round♪ instead of ♫money makes the world go round♪... but isn't it all the same?

It's affecting everything in our lifes, just think about the cars, planes, anything that is involved with transport... but not only that! Also our daily objects are made out of Oil! (there could be a large list here)

The package containing the bacon strips is plastic... therefore comes from Oil.
The cover of my egg's package is plastic... therefore comes from Oil.
The bag containing the frozen green peas is plastic...
Some ingredients used to fertilize the land before the sow are made out of Oil.

Anyone out there with a good natural/nonpolluting idea?

Ok, I'm done with my Green thinking for now!

Too hot in your kitchen to get in there to cook long and complicated dishes? Give this one a chance, it's quick, simple and so nutritive. The ingredients are handy and cheap... who doesn't have eggs, frozen green peas and bacon in the fridge?

Ingredients for 4 servings: 1 package (500 grs) of frozen green peas, 180 of bacon strips, 4 eggs, some salt, thick sea salt and olive oil.

  • Have a pot with salty boiling water and add the frozen green peas. Boil until tender or follow package instructions. Strain and reserve.
  • In a sauce pan pour some olive oil (4-5 tablespoons) and when hot add the bacon strips, stir until golden.
  • Add the green peas to the sauce pan and stir some more (1 minute aprox). Turn heat off and reserve.
  • In a small pot with water add the eggs and boil for just 4 minutes. You will get the egg's white cooked and the egg yolk at the point we want it: just hardly cooked.
  • Present the dish with the green peas and bacon and the egg on top. Sprinkle with thick sea salt and a little spurt of extra virgin olive oil.

For those of you who love the heat in and out of your mouth, some drops of a hot sauce would be perfect too... what about some Frank's Red Hot Original Sauce?

You'll soon know why I'm talking about this American Sauce... keep an eye on this blog... or two!
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