I must say I didn't enjoy the flavour of the lemon and the garlic together in the hummus. It was a bit strange to me but my husband had his portion and mine too!!! So, I guess the dish was ok.
I had to put this title to the dish because every time I hear the word hummus, it has to be followed by magnificus... you'll think I'm crazy but, did you see Monthy Python's Life of Bryan? Do you remember the part where Pontius Pilate is giving amnesty to some prisoners? The crowd calls the ones that have a letter in their names that he cannot pronounce... it's a hilarious scene. Or that one about Bigus Dickus, such a great laugh; I'm not going to make any comments on that name ;-).
Somehow my brain connects words that might sound Latin with that movie. If you don't know what I'm talking about follow the link that will take you to one of the films scenes in youtube.
The ingredients for the dish are very handy and if you don't feel like boiling the chickpeas, use some canned ones.

- Peel the garlics and pour in a recipient together with the lemons' juice. Add the chickpeas, the tahini paste, the cumin, some salt and a bit of pepper.
- Use your food processor until you get an homogeneous paste. Fill up the dishes and place in the fridge for 30 minutes minimum. Remember to cover with transparent film.
- Just before serving sprinkle the sweet paprika on top and add some drops of olive oil too.

And is there anyone more Magnificus than Ivy? She has awarded me with 2 more fantastic blog awards and from the bottom of my heart ... THANKS SO MUCH IVY!!! You are tremendous, fantasticous and generous :D. For those of you not in the know, Ivy has a great blog: Kopiaste full of Greek recipes and some Cypriot ones, hurry to her place and you will enjoy her food as much as I do :D

Who do I want to give A Giant Bear Hug? Aaaahhhh there's so many of you I would love to meet and give a long nice hug to... such as: Mallory, Jen, Jenn, Courtney, Valli... there's many more but, these are the rules, only 5 and their blogs:
Mallory from the Salty Cod: Please take 5 minutes to visit her, she's brilliant and vital.
Jen from A2write: So warm, helpful and sweet.
Jenn from The LeftoverQueen: my darling Jenn... what else can I say about her... a loving woman!
Courtney from CoCo Cooks: she's always there for you with nice words and good feelings.
Valli from More than a burnt toast: you deserve a Kodiac hug, aren't these the biggest ones? Who doesn't know Valli?
And now the blogging with a purpose award I'm giving it to the following wonderful people: Ben, Amy, Peter G, Katie and Giz.
Ben from What's Cooking gave his blog a new dimension some time ago and he has achieved his goal (from my point of view) A super complete blog!
Amy and Jonny from We are never full. They are never full and I'm never tired of visiting them. Great cooks with funny post casts.
Peter from Souvlaki for the soul. He had the purpose to change his blog, and man, what a change! Beautiful new design and wonderful new pictures and recipes!
Katie from Thyme for cooking. I love her place and her stories and her recipes... she surely has a purpose :D
Giz from Equal opportunity kitchen. A big hearted woman with a busy kitchen and great events going on!
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