
Pumpkin Waffles with Warm Buttermilk Syrup

These are our special occasion waffles. You know, Christmas morning, July 4th weekend, any old Saturday... Pumpkin Waffles
2 cups flour
1 TB sugar
2 TB baking powder
½ tsp. nutmeg
¼ tsp. salt
2 TB cinnamon
4 egg yokes (save whites)
1 cup pumpkin
1 ½ cup milk
1 TB vanilla
¾ cup melted margarine

Mix first 6 ingredients together, then add remaining ingredients. Beat 4 remaining egg whites until stiff and fold into batter. Cook in waffle iron.

Warm Buttermilk Syrup
¼ cup butter
1 tsp. light corn syrup
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
½ cup buttermilk (or substitute 1 TB lemon juice + ½ cup milk)
1 tsp baking soda

In large saucepan, bring butter, sugar, corn syrup, and buttermilk to a boil. Take off heat. Add baking soda and vanilla (it will bubble up quite a bit). Stir until it settles. Serve warm over Pumpkin Waffles.
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