
Stuffed Purple Eggplant

I thought I had all ingredients and everything I needed to cook this dish... but so often I find that one or two things are missing. Does it happen to you too? I hate it! I hate unexpected changes... This time I looked for my kitchen silver paper and... there was none left!!! Aaaaaahhh, ok everything has a solution and my "smart" solution, this time, was to cook the dish without the silver paper! Ha!

Two small problems showed after the cooking: 1st.- the eggplant "shell" wasn't cooked enough and 2nd.- the nice purple colour was lost. Well, I know what I have to do the next time ;-). However, the stuffing was sooooo good! Easy and supertasty :D
Ingredients for 4 servings: 4 eggplants or aubergines, 200 grs. of pasta (smaller sizes are preferable), 1/2 kilo of red tomatoes (aprox. 4), 1 garlic clove, olive oil, 4 anchovies in salt fillets, 50 grs of black olives without their seed, 1 teaspoon of hot red paprika, a spring of fresh parsley and salt.
  • Cut the hat of the eggplants and empty their pulp, cut in small dices and reserve in a strainer, sprinkle some salt over so that it leaves the sower juices away. Pour a bit of oil on the eggplant shells and rub all over as well as some inside and some salt.
  • Turn oven on at 170ºC.
  • Place the eggplants shells with their hats on in the middle rack and with silver kitchen paper on them. Have for 30 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, take a sauce pan and pour some olive oil (5-6 tablespoons), medium heat and add the eggplant dices (they should have lost their sower juice after 30 minutes). Stir and add the tomatoes in small dices too. Stir for 5 minutes and add the hot paprika. Stir another 5 minutes at medium heat.
  • Boil some salty water in a pot and pour your pasta. Follow package instructions and drain. Refresh with tap cold water and add some oil so that it doesn't stick together.
  • Back to the sauce pan, when you see the eggplant is done add the anchovies thinnely sliced and the black olives cut in circumferences. Stir for only 30 seconds. Add the pasta. Turn heat off. Chop the parsley and add it too. Keep on stirring until flavours and ingredients mix well.
  • Fill the eggplants' shells and back to the oven for 10 minutes at 220ºC.
  • Maybe one eggplant is not enough for 1 person, it all depends on their size and hunger ;-)
Keep your heart healthy and have this cooked at home! Olives, olive oil and anchovies contain nonsaturated fats that are super for you♥

I'm sending this recipe to Once upon a Feast, Ruth's blog and her Event Presto Pasta Nights. Head over there for all kind of imaginable pasta combinations! Great for summer salads' ideas and other pasta dishes :D
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