
Stuffed Squids in a Black Inked Sea

Dear foodie bloggers friends, I'm so sorry I don't have the time lately to come to your blogs and visit... I feel so bad about it! Hopefully, hopefully... next week I'll be able to spend more time in front of the computer. However, you are all in my mind and heart♥.

Today, the first thing I did this morning... well, right after the 5 more minutes please, and preparing and eating breakfast was to check my bank account through Internet. If I had swallowed all Frank's Hot Sauce I bet I would have felt better than I did looking to my extract account... They charged me 8,50 Euros for... for what? I'm doing everything through Internet, I don't go to their office and make them work for me, they don't spend one minute with my questions or anything!!! And they charged me 8,50 Euros under the concept of "commission for keeping the account"... unbelievable!
I guess all kind of horrible things came out from my mouth: big pigs, crossed bones, lightnings, pirates skulls... like in cartoon characters, you know what I mean?

I've been a good client of this bank for more than 20 years now. So I changed my morning plans and went to my bank's office. I was ready to move my account from there and put it somewhere else, no matter the work I would have doing that change. I was ready to squeeze the bank's boss' neck with my hands. I was ready for the fight! Have you got a saying in English equivalent to: la gota que colma el vaso - the drop that makes the glass water overflow? It was a good thing my husband came with me because he was a bit more calm.

We did talk with the boss and he just said: yes, that's a lot of money for nothing but this is how it works, however, I'll pass the order that from now on you don't pay any commissions in your accounts... he even ordered that our visa commission should only be 3 Euros per year, instead of 70!!! So there was finally no blood involved in that this morning ;-). Another Spanish saying says: Quien no llora no mama - If you don't cry you don't get what you want (more or less).

There's no blood involved in this recipe but there's a lot of ink instead. I can't imagine writing all my recipes with ink, how many grams of ink should I need? For this dish I used only 4 grams but when mixed with water or oil you can get a great amount!
Would you like to try this dish? It takes a bit of time but since I got so mad in the morning I wanted a good lunch meal and here you have it too! Just in case you have to go and fight with your bank!

Flavours combine so good together here: the shrimps, the squid, the ink... super flavourful; give it a try :D

Ingredients for 4 servings: 4 medium squids, 100 grs of rice, 1 green pepper, 4 medium onions, 2 garlic cloves, 8 shrimps, 1 spurt of cognac, salt, olive oil, 100 grs of dry white wine, 4 grs of squids' ink.

  • Clean the squids or ask your fishmonger to do it for you. Take the skin off and turn them inside out to wash them properly. Take their "bone" away too. Cut the legs and wings and reserve aside. And dry the empty bodies when cleaned and washed.

  • In a sauce pan add some olive oil (5 spoontable) and fry the cleaned shrimps, pour a spurt of cognac (be careful you don't get burned!) Shake the sauce pan. When the flame dissappears, add salt and have for 1 minute maximum. Reserve.

  • In that same oil add the chopped onions (2) and when transparent, add the chopped green pepper, when it softens, add the minced garlic and when you start to feel its aroma, add the legs and wings of the squid cut in small pieces.

  • You might need to add some more oil, feel free to do so. Have all ingredients simmering at low fire and add some salt to fit your taste.

  • Meanwhile, in a different pot add some olive oil (5 tablesp) and the other 2 chopped onions. Have it covered and at the lowest heat.

  • Peel the shrimps and add to the sauce pan with the rest of ingredients. Stir for a couple of minutes at low heat so that all flavours mix.

  • In a small pot boil the rice with some water. Have it boiling for 10 minutes only. Strain and add to the sauce pan. Stir for one minute and reserve.

  • Stuff the squids with the rice and shrimps mixture. Use a toothpick to avoid the stuffing fall out of the squids.

  • Back to the onion pot, add the stuffed squids inside (the onion should be soft and transparent) and pour the wine inside too. Have it all simmering for 45 minutes at the lowest heat and covered. Turn the squids from time to time so that they get equally cooked.

  • Take the squids out of the pot and reserve. Add the ink to the juices that remain in the pot and stir at low heat for 45 seconds. Pour all the pot juices in your blender and get a black homogeneous sauce. Reserve.

  • Prepare the dish as you see in the pictures or in any other manner you wish. If you like seafood, this is your meal! You can eat it warm or cold, again... up to you!

Enjoy it!
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