
Empanada de Chorizo

Have you ever heard of Empanada gallega? Do you know that there's a sculpture of the XII century that shows this dish in the Santiago de Compostela's Cathedral? This is a Traditional dish that has arrived to our days in a perfect shape and taste ;D.

To be honest with you, I'll tell you that this is my first empanada! To be honest with you, I'll confess you that I didn't make the dough myself - I bought it in the supermarket, and to be honest with you, I'll tell you that it was so easy and so good :D

There's many fillings for empanada: you can have it with cod and veggies, with fish, with meat and veggies, with octopus, with chorizo... let your imagination run!
I gave this shape to mine... it looks like a calzone... because I only had one dough. But if you want to see a profesional of the empanada, please head to Lechuza's blog. She is Galician and has done it many times.
Also, Nathan  from la Cocina de Nathan has given it a try (following a recipe from Pilar), take a look at his blog and check it out ;D.

Ingredients for 2 servings: 1 dough (masa brisa), 150 grs of chorizo (a tender one would be great here. Follow the link to see some of the varieties - check out in La Tienda if you don't find in your corner shop), 2 medium ripe tomatoes, 2 medium onions, 1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 1 zucchini, 2 garlic cloves, 1 egg, olive oil and salt.

  • Cut the onions, zucchini, green and red peppers and fry it in a sauce pan with some olive oil at medium heat during 10 minutes aprox.
  • Add the minced garlic and the peeled tomatoes cut in dices and cook for another 20 minutes. 
  • Add the chorizo previously peeled and cut in slices. Taste and add salt if needed.
  • Spread the dough over a pizza oven recipient and make small cuts with the fork on it.
  • Preheat the oven at 200 ÂșC.
  • Spread the filling over the dough and close it. If you have 2 doughs then the empanada can be round. Use a fork to join the two parts.
  • Beat the egg and with the help of a kitchen brush paint the dough.
  • Place in the oven and bake for 30 minutes aprox. or until you see it golden.

I'm submitting this recipe to Ivy's Savory Pies Event. She is a wonderful cook and her Greek and Chipriot recipes are fantastic! If you still haven't visited Kopiaste, please head over there and enjoy it :D. 

What about having a tapa of Snails cooked with garlic and mint to eat aside?
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