
The Mega Curry Mela Round Up ~ Part 1!

Finally I have the pleasure to present you with 300 different curries. 121 participants sent in different curries showcasing so many delicious curries.

I have divided this into four parts based on the ingredient and style. I thought it was meaningless to categorize as part of meals as most came were for all!


Curries with Channa!

Follow Aparna Inguva's thought process that led to this beautiful chole! Well read on more to know whats famous in Hyderabad on a busy night and you will have a chole on hand. Aparna your picture does more than your words to tempt me to indulge in this funfare!

Now when you have a look at Dee's chole or the pooris, you can but fall in love with it. But hold on, its not she who prepared, but was prepared for her. How lovely! I wish she shared some with me..such lovely lovely Red!

Hima shares her channa masala which was a great hit when she made for a party. She always had one or the other fixed while out on a dinner, and then it was replaced with Channa masala.

Karuna has a lovely concept of postin the menu for the week. She posts the menu and everytime I see them, I get excited by the list. And she doesn't disappoint. For this time it is Kasoori meethi chana masala! Its not without the dhaba flavour? Well check out, for a taste of dhaba with kasoori infused into channa masala. I am sure this tastes heavenly with Naans!

Priti enjoys Chole with Jeera rice. She planned for making something else and ended up making this. So what she seem to have enjoyed this combo best, hence no worries!

Saneeth shares her neighbour's famous chhole which was a die for. Getting to know such authentic dishes from a pro, makes it all the different.

Another exciting version of Channa Masala comes from Sireesha, which is delicious to see. I am sure it must've tasted great with those puris.

The yummy chole gets served with bread at Sweatha's place. Though she says it may not be the authentic dish, it does bring out the flavour.


Kurmas for both Breakfast and Chapatis!

Bharathy's pictures are always great to feast on. When she had sent the picture, I was very eager to check if she had done those parottas. But I got to read her recollection of attempting to make these in dozens and resolving never to make. Bhoo...but then its ok, if the kurma is anything like what it looks, I guess its fine!

Divz shares her friends recipe. Though its been years since she tasted her friends, she can still remember the taste and tries to recreate the wonder again in her kitchen.

Indy gets very nostalgic about Pune and talks about the restaurant that served some yummy Veg korma. And that gets her going with her version of a beautiful dish presented so well!

Jaysree makes my all time favorite idiyappam and what can be more yummy than a kurma on the side. While you are it, you got to check out her cute stand! Jayasree dishes authentic kerala food and with my love for kerala food, I am always salvating when I see her pictures!

I always loved this white coloured korma that gets served in hotels. And I was happy finally seeing something like from kamala. She is a cook par excellence and she does only restaurant dishes!..

Maya makes a delicous kurma with mixed vegetables. One look at the picture, I was sure this was going to tease your taste buds. Maya dishes out all authentic konkan ones, so you now where to go now!

Sangeeth comes out with a different combo for Idly. She was wondering whether to make this or that, finally Peas Kurma won the battle.

Kurmas are always my favorite. And if its with all the vegetables, what more can we ask. Check out Sireesha's yummy looking Vegetable Kurma.

Necessity is always the mother of all new posts. And this is not more true than the case of TBC. She saw some Vegetable Kurma, which tempted her enough to make. Only finally making something that was not remotely same as the original. Well this looks so perfect anyway!

Curries with Mixed Vegetables

You want to know how to grow a potato? Well this is it for you, not only that, the Jugalbandits ensure you get your taste senses are elevated to a different level, by infusing peas and potato with Basil. Aww..their pictures are always wonderful to droll too!

I actually know very few gravies for Idlis, so I was really glad that Cham sent this delicious side dish for Idils. She adapts this from another blogger, to add more flovours from her own kitchen and makes it one great combo of Idlis with Kosamalli.

With another entry of Cham, I was doubly overjoyed. She had made this creamy Veg Badam curry in Microwave. Trust Cham to shoot two events in one shot, that too both mine...Be sure to check out her explanation of a curry!

Dershana makes a gravy with Potatoes and peas. I am sure its a favorite with all. This is a lovely looking dish made with fresh masala and goes well with any indian bread. She is one of the new kids on the block, so be sure to encourage her to dish out more!

This entry speaks beautifully of how well you can succeed, in getting out a great looking dish and of course great tasting. Divya Kannan had an unusually large amount of mushroom sitting around, now don't ask me why. But the result is, she has got this beautiful dish out, which she created on her own.

DK comes with a chilli. Now don't think its not a vegetarian ok, for Dhivi makes sure of that and this one is a famous Mexican dish which she of course adapts. She adds all beans she can to give her more power, I wonder why!

Foodiepenn gives a medley of spices and vegetables in making a eggplant and peas dance in a sauce made of curds and poppy seeds.Now I know how much I like poppy based gravy. So this is a sure one to try out!

Simplest recipe is one where you have the tomatoes simmered to a gravy and you add peas to it, it just takes it to a different level. And thats what Kamala has done, her curry looks ready to devoured

You are wondering what Champakali is? Well I was until I learnt its a popular and most sought out dish at Madhavi's house. Her mom prepares this usually on Diwali, so we can expect them getting all geared up as Diwali is right down the month!

Curries with Mixed Vegetables

Priti gets down making this mixed veg curry in karwar style for the on going regional event. I am sure many of you would want to bookmark this!

Red chillies reminiscences about always choosing Pooris in any joint! Well Poori is got to be any body's first choice, well maybe certain few! But the way RC went about the different choices she had, had me craving for it. And imagine eating with Saagu. I haven't really looked beyond the picture to know how it is prepared. But now with yet another mouthwatering picture, will surely try it out soon!

Renuka makes yet another tasty dish with cauliflower. This time all pepped up with Pepper!. I can imagine how delicious it must've taste.

Sireesha makes a great combo of Ridge Gourd with potato to come up with a nice curry for rotis. The great thing I like about this is it has ground nut powder added! Now for a die hard groundnut fan, what else can be better!

This beautiful dish is made with jackfruit! I would never have guessed it unless I was told. I never waited to make a curry with the fruit, rather it disappeared as such. So it was wonderful getting a curry made with it from Tee. More than that I was happy seeing her back, she was one of those first bloggers who became a good friend!

Well I have learnt a new curry now. From Ujwal, I learnt about Valval, which is a very famous Konkani (Amchi curry). Well it looks so lovely that it must be really very tasty. I was so happy to read that she made this again just for the mela!

Uma loves beans and makes quite a lot. But to get her hubby in action was really nice. This is one great looking dish made with white beans and pink! My, it does want you want to grab it!

Vaishali comes out with everybody's need of the hour, a quick yet great tasty curry. Well I know peas and potato tastes great, and if you add basil on top, can you expect anything less?

Trust me to be on the scenes after all the fun was over! Zu makes this yummy looking dish from her cookbook that said this is a special from Madras. Well I guess the author was more generalizing this as a spicy curry from the South of India and gave it a fancy name as Madrasi Masala. Whatever, it does look great Zu, and glad that you could enjoy a spicy one!

Delicious Paneer Dishes

After looking at Alka's Butter Paneer, I knew again why I love Paneer. Gosh she has captured them so well, of course you all already know how beautiful Alka's pictures are. But the curries that she sent takes the cake. I know the snooty health freaks might object to some extra butter going in. But they can take a walk, looking at Alka's tempting paneer!

Lets take few minutes to wonder how Srimathi comes out with such yummy looking curries. And she says she prepared it in a hurry. I really wonder if we can restrain ourselves if she prepares at leisure! This tempting white paneer curry is surely something I am going to cook next!

Homecooked makes her favorite paneer dishes. This time pairing it with peas. Well I am ready for Matar paneer anytime. And you want to know the colour, wow it looks bright red and rich!

Jaya takes us to a trip to dhabas with her post and also makes such a yum looking paneer dish. Its like view one take two dishes offers!. Both Handi Paneer and Paneer Manpasand sound really exciting and I can't wait to try these out.

Shahi Paneer has always been something that I have to try someday, atleast going on what my hubby says as he got to taste in Delhi. Now Medhaa's version gives me an opportunity to check out

Our dear friend sent me a note, that said she was busy getting married during the first two melas, so finally only now she was able to send some entries. Well I was glad Nags got a moment to breath and in that moment got around to a kitchen cooking something for my event. But imagine her new inlaw, wondering why they new daughter-in-law was clicking away pictures before they were served!

We have another fan for Paneer and its great that Radhika's son too loves it. I know how wonderful it is when your kid loves and you get to make a new one every time. Looking at the dish, I am sure he liked it!

Who doesn't like paneer, especially when it looks so yummy as Renuka's? So its no wonder her kids love it. Renuka gets to make this until her kids for something else, but I doubt that!

Paneer is welcome in any form and the best is the tikka masala thats famous in the restaurants. And the one that sangeeth tries is out, looks very much like one from straight there!

I love paneer and if its authentic punjab, no doubts about it. So what do I do when friends makes things just to make me crave for it??..well I just keep drooling and thats what I did when Simran sent her punjabi home style paneer, so words to describe the beauty!

Sukanya makes this easy matar paneer because its easy to make. She says all we got to do is remove the paneer from the seal and remove the peas from the packet , well for the rest how she does you can check out her lovely blog. I can't be telling the recipe myself right!

I was impressed with this yummy looking curry that Ujwal made with paneer and baby corn. I love both, so naturally this dish must've been great.

In between moving houses, Vandana finds time to cook this delicious Paneer Makhani. Now who can say no to anything paneer, atleast I can't and this surely has that look that wants you to grab it off the screen!

Curries with Potatos for Breakfast and all times!

Bhawana said that she was happy to participate in this event, but I am more excited to see her lovely stuffed aloo in a gravy. I have never prepared a stuffed one and this sounds very interesting!

Until Divya wrote about Kukka Humman, I didnt' know our humble potato curry is called thus! I actually read couple of times to confirm I wasn't seeing a curry from china. Well our divya is quite apt with kukka and comes with many variations of the same! You got three different ones to check out!

Ok, we have another Kukka Humman from Divya Kudua. Didn't I tell you, she is the local expert in dishing out Kukka Humman. I guess with her proclamation of this dish name without revealing what it is, her readers thought it was something else. Well she ventures into a saga of preparing all her different variations of this Potato wonder, be sure to check them out!

Potato Masala always brings back fond memories and for Illatharasi, the pooris too. Cos she follows her mom's way of saving time by making triangle shaped ones! How very interesting!...I am sure these will be a great hit with kids.

Jayashree thinks she is relic, well for all for a want of a cook. Ok, I guess she thinks thats because she cooks all their meals. But imagine what a wonderful job she is doing! And of course in the same breath shares an easy one for Aloo Baingan!

Fusions always comes out well and Lavi's Baby aloo curry looks no less. She uses a typical tamlian gravy spice for making this curry and the baby aloos add more to the taste!

Madhavi makes Aloo gobi in Handi and it gets its famous slow cooking into the aromatic flavours of the curry. When gobi normally loses its crunchiness, Madhavi says cooking it this way makes it perfect!

Mansi brings on a lip smacking dish which sure holds up to its name. Who wouldn't like Dum Aloo. I have about 10 different recipes, each one different. The few I have tried have come out exceptionally great. And this dish from Mansi surely gets added on!

Maya comes with a flavour of her lands special by making a delicious potato curry using a phova pitto. Well its so great that it can be just had as a snack if you so sprinkle sev over it!


Curries with Potatoes

Mythreyee makes my favorite combo, poori kalangu, yep thats how its called down south! and Mythreyee plate is enough to satisfy all poori lovers!

Nags comes with another most desired dish the famous Potato Masala! Well her pictures always makes me droll, and this is nothing less.

Kamala from her cornor makes this great looking Potato stew. Not just that, this can be made in a jiffy in a microwave.

I have seen gravy being served with rice or roti, but never seen it being served with vada!. Yep this beautiful dish is served by Pragyan, which is Dahi Bara served with aloo Dum. It looks fit to be wiped out right away!

Purva adapts this famous curry to her taste and comes out with another yummy looking dishes. Tilwave Aloo curry looks as all it promises!

Priti knew what she was about to cook when she saw some cauliflower lying around in the fridge. This the one she always thinks of at moments like this. And just like what her mom prepared. What else can one ask for than recreating mom's recipes!

Aloo Kurma has always been my favorite ones in Kurma and Saroja brings in another version of that!. I guess we can never get tried of Potato curry!

If you want to read a lovely tale about Amritsar, then you got to visit Simran. she brings us a Taste of Amritsar with her delicious looking Aloo Wadi. I have heard a lot about their famous wadis, though yet to cook. So I have a perfect one to try!

Sireesha makes a delicious combo with Spinach and Potata. I have always only had paneer in palak, so this sounds great one to try!

Uma's Potato Stew wakes from slumbering because of this Mela. I am only glad it did. And not just that, for a change she even used black eyed pea. Now I love this pea in any form. so its no wonder I find that bowl so appealing!

I guess none of us get tired of seeing another potato curry, well this time from Veda, who calls it Saagu. First time I heard this term was from my nephew and it said it tastes good. Not sure if he knows the difference, but Veda's pretty picture says it does!


Get ready for the other exciting rounds!

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