Day 275.
Finally! I made apple butter! You can stop emailing me now!
ha ha ha. :-) thank you.
Thank you for pushing me to make this. This beats the lid off of store-bought apple butter.
The Ingredients.
--2 tsp cinnamon
--2 cups white sugar (see note below)
--1 cup brown sugar (see note below)
--1/2 tsp cloves
--1 T vanilla
The Directions.
This is a 2-day process. Quarter the apples and take out the core. I did not peel, and picked out the skin later. If you enjoy peeling, or have one of those cool apple tools that peels easily, you should peel.
Although my picking out the skin later idea worked, it was kind of a pain. But (for me) it was easier than peeling all of the apples by hand.
Put all of the quartered apples into your crockpot. Add 1 tablespoon of vanilla. Cover and cook on low for 8 hours.
When the cooking is done, mash the apples with a fork. Pick out the skin with the fork. Stir in the sugar, cinnamon, and cloves.
NOTE: I think this was too much sugar. It's good, and my kids really like it, but I feel I went too heavy with the sugar. Next time I will use 3/4 cup of each kind. My mistake came from reading other recipes that called for 3 cups of sugar, instead of going with my gut.
Cover again and cook on low for 6 hours. Pick out more apple skin. If you prefer your apple butter to be velvety-smooth, blend with an immersion blender, or blend in small batches in a traditional blender. I did not do this.
The Verdict.
Very very good. Very sweet, but the sweetness did mellow after a night in the refrigerator. This made enough for 3 jars of apple butter. We gave a container to my mom and grandma. It tastes wonderful with peanut butter on an apple rice cake.
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