It all started when I went to Emiline's blog and saw that she participated at the Domestic Violence Awareness Event at Diary of a fanatic Foodie. I wanted to participate in this one so badly... I gave for granted that it would last until the end of October (that's what happens when you give things for granted... you miss them!). You can see here the round up, it was last Monday!!!! Sorry Heather, maybe next time ☺
Anyways, it was a great scape for my creativity and that is why nearly everything involved in this post is purple.

- Prepare your purple potatoes puree with some butter, chicken stock, olive oil and salt (or the way you usually prepare it)
- Boil the monalisa potatoes, and when they cool down cut them in thick slices. Chop the olives. Clean and wash the lettuce and carrots.
- Present your dish with the potato layers and the salad in front :D
Girls, women, chicas... if you suffer from a Violence situation, please, ask for help and scape from it! Don't put up with an abuser! Things will get better :D
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