- Prepare a big flat pot with the water, the orange juice 3 table spoons of olive oil and some salt. Bring to boil and add the cous cous outside the heat. Stir for some seconds. Let it rest. You can also follow your package instructions.
- Pour 4 table spoons of olive oil in a pot, add the sage and simmer at low heat for 1 minute. Strain and use that olive oil to cook the pumkin cut in dices and the onion. When tender, reserve. Use a food blender or a processor and get a puree out of it. Taste and add salt to fit your taste.
- Fry the pumkin chips in olive oil. Place over kitchen paper to leave there the oil and pour maldon salt on top of them.
- Mix the pumkin puree with the cous cous. Shape it and place the chips aside.
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