You don't know what I'm talking about? Really? Remember my Octopus in a Stew recipe? That was my entry for the O Foods Event --September has been the Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. In honor of Gina DePalma, author of Dolce Italiano: Desserts from the Babbo Kitchen and Executive Pastry Chef of Babbo Ristorante in NYC, who was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer, Sara of Ms Adventures in Italy, Jenn of The Leftover Queen, and Michelle of Bleeding Espresso have been hosting this event.
From here, my support and positive energy to all women going through this tough experience... You can make it, girls!
If you want to help, please donate to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund
Thanks Jenn, Michelle and Sara for hosting the Event and thanks for choosing my recipe among all fantastic entries! Please take a look to the succulent round up at Michelle's blog.
This PotatO recipe is my particular way to show you my gratitude!!!
To make this recipe we will need some potatoes, of course, and also some Butifarras. Butifarra is a pork sausage typical from Catalonia. There's many of them and this will try to be a guide for you in the "butifarras' world" ;D. Peter, hope you find this post of interest and helps you saciate your curiosity on this catalan sausage :D.

* Butifarra: raw shoulder meat, bacon viad and black ground pepper and salt wrapped in pork tripe's skin.
* Butifarra blanca means white butifarra and it's done with: copper pluck and hearts, and when they are cooked is mixed along with the tips of the remaining tummy and a little bacon fat. Dressed with salt and pepper and stuffed into tripe or pork thin skin.
* Butifarra negra means black butifarra and it's done with: meat from the pig's head, feet, kidneys, hearts, pluck, chin and blood and, sometimes, to thicken the mixture bread is added. Stuffed into tripe or pork skin and cooked. It is a very tasty sausage.
* Bisbe or Bull has also blood as an ingredient, along with fatty cuts of the head and offal.
* There's many other catalan Butifarras/Sausages such as: Butifarra catalana, butifarra d'ou (egg), Butifarra de perol (from the casserole), Butifarra dolça (sweet)... and many more that will be shown in another day's post.

Now to the recipe! Ingredients for 4 servings: 4 big potatoes, 1 big onion, 1 leek, 2 Butifarras (400 grs aprox), 1 butifarra negra (black sausage - 100 grs aprox), 2 carrots, salt, olive oil and parsley. Plus allioli ingredients.
- Place the cleaned potatoes in a big pot (don't peel them). Cover with cold salty water and bring to a boil. Cook until they are done. To know when, insert a toothpick. If it gets in and out easily then they are cooked.
- In a big sauce pan pour some olive oil (enough to cover the surface), open the butifarras and cook the meat inside, when done, add the carrots cut in small dices, stir and after 1 minute add the chopped onion and the leek, when tender and transparent, add the black sausage (butifarra negra) until it dissolves. Sprinkle with the minced parsley. Turn heat off and reserve.
- When the potatoes are cooked, strain and let cool down.
- When cold, cut in half, carefully empty them and place in the sauce pan with the butifarras mixture. Stir until it becomes a paste and use it to stuff the empty potatoes. Taste and add salt if you wish.
- Prepare allioli and pour on top.
- Gratin in the oven until it changes the allioli colour.

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