Welcome to VeganMoFo! A wonderful month of blogging as much as possible about food. Spearheaded by the wonderful Isa from The Post Punk Kitchen. This was meant to start on the 1st of October, but I have been sabotaged by work on the 1st and internet not working on the 2nd, so I will just have to make extra posts to make up for it!
I thought I might start the VeganMoFo by showing off my shiny new kitchen. And by mine, I mean my parent's shiny new kitchen. At the end of last year the kitchen in the family home, where I now once again reside, was redone. The old kitchen had served us well for 26 years, but definitely time for a change! So the new kitchen was designed, with a lot of input from me I confess! Soft closing drawers, caesar stone benches (so much fun for rolling out pastry!), induction stove (which despite initial misgivings on my part is quite nifty) and, my pride and joy, a snexy double oven! Indeed! I can cook dinner and dessert, sweet and savoury baked goods, things that need to be cooked at the same time at different temperatures.... all done in glorious tandem!
So, without further ado my friends, here are some photos of this glorious new abode for all my kitchen needs.

Tomorrow, I'll be showing off my favouritest cooking wares!
And here's today's obligatory food porn - this is German Apple Cake from the Joy Of Vegan Baking. It looks very pretty!

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