
Budapest's Central Market is located at the end of a pedestrian touristic street called Váci Utca. It's a beautiful walk parallel to the river, full of restaurants and souvenirs' shops.
The Market's building is so impressive, lightful and not very noisy. It's divided in three levels: downstairs you will find fish and preserved fruits and veggies. Street level is for the meat, spices and fresh fruit and veggies. And upstairs is a wonderful collection of traditional ceramics and embroidery, all kind of tourists' souvenirs and chessboards.

Come with me and take a look at the downstairs floor. See those huge fishes? They are alive and come from the Danube... they scared me a bit and seemed to ask for help when they got close to the glass and opened and closed their mouth and whispered: S.O.S.!!!

They can be even bigger... look at these others!

And now watch these jars! Ain't these the most beautiful collection of preserved fruits and veggies you've ever seen? So colorful and vibrant! I love them
See that old balance in the background? I have a close up but it had to be a quick one... the shopkeeper didn't want me to photograph the shop!

Now, here is the most famous product in the market: Goose!!! There's a lot of goose shops with fresh gooses, gooses by pieces, fresh livers, foie... heaven for those who enjoy this wonderful animal.

I wish I had a small "branch office" of this shop near my house ;D.

I bought one of the 2600 Forint can and I was happy to see that the same can was double prized in one of the souvenir's shops I stepped into during our visit. I hate it when it's the other way around!
Spices, paprika, hanging red peppers, garlics... these ingredients are so important in the Hungarian cuisine. Can't wait to perform some of their dishes. I will adapt them a bit... their taste for hot and spicy food is not shared by my family :D

I would have bought it all!!!

Problems with the Goulash recipe? Find your solution here!

Now let's go upstairs and take a look at the aprons... I had a hard time to decide ;D

Which one would you choose? The sexy maid? Incredible Hulk? Take your time ;D

This one on the left doesn't look bad at all, does it?

I hope you enjoyed the tour :D. Bye bye Budapest Market. ¡Hasta la próxima!

There will be more posts about the city soon. But next one will be a recipe... a very easy dish with seasonal artichokes, shrimps and the best sauce... I "want" to see you all back here ;D.
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