
CrockPot Turkey Breast Recipe

Day 316.

Happy Veteran's Day! Make sure to thank those in your lives who have or who are actively supporting our country in this most honorable way.

And then make turkey. In the crockpot.

I do plan on finding a little turkey (probably a 10 pounder?) to cook in the crock, but I wanted to test out a turkey breast first.

I used my mom's "famous" and "secret" family recipe. Hey mom! Your recipe is now going to be even more famous, and it's no longer a secret. :-) Thanks mom, I love you!

This is good turkey. It's moist and juicy, even though there isn't any brown meat. If you'd like, you can certainly throw in some turkey legs along with the breast. The rule of thumb is usually 1 pound of turkey per person.

The Ingredients.

--4 to 6 pound turkey breast (bone-in or out. your choice)

--2 cups cheap white wine (you can use broth instead, if you'd like)

--1 stick of butter

--1 onion

--salt and pepper

The Directions.

I used a 6 quart crockpot and a 4 1/2 pound turkey breast. I easily could have fit in some legs or a larger breast piece.

I know that it's suggested to not cook with any wine that you wouldn't drink, but it's okay because I drink cheap wine.

Unwrap the turkey breast and pat it dry with paper towels. Susan taught me this. If desired, cut off the skin with poultry shears, and discard. (I did this. I couldn't help myself.)

Salt and pepper the breast liberally.

Plop it, breast-side down into the crockpot. Wash your hands well.

Cut up an onion coarsely and push some pieces down next to the turkey and put a few in the rib cavity. Add the stick of butter.

Pour the wine over the top.

Cover and cook on low for 7-9 hours, or on high for 4-6. Use a meat thermometer to test doneness--it should register at 170°.

Remove from crockpot, and let sit for about 20 minutes before carving. The meat will be much more tender than if cooked in an oven.

The Verdict.

We all ate turkey! And not on Thanksgiving!

Homemade gluten-free stuffing coming up tomorrow!

gobble gobble gobble.

Whole Turkey in the CrockPot

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lots more CrockPot Holiday Food!

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