
Jihva Nov 08 - Festival Treats Round up!

When I announced Jihva themed on Festival Treats or Festival Food, I wasn't really thinking what I was getting into! Each and every entry that came in, were filled with so many memories and joyful days spent enjoying those food. I thank Indira for giving me this wonderful opportunity. She was kind enough to let me have this pleasure of peeking into so many delicious treats. I enjoyed every bit of hosting this event as I am sure you all enjoyed eating them! No festival is complete without the love shared, love is best expressed with the food we prepare for our family, dear and near! For me, the best way I could show my love and affection, lies in how well my family enjoys the food I prepare for them. And I was trilled that so many of you, do it the same way. Kudos to all you, who take so much pleasure in preparing such laborious treats, and treat it as a labour of love!

Thank you for sending in your lovely entries. I have tried to keep track of all entries. My sincere apologies, if any entry is missed, let me know I will update it immediately! Without much delay, let me present to you the Sweets and Savories that you can prepare for Festivals be it Dasara or Deepavali / Diwali.

77 bloggers sent in 150 entries!

There are some sweets and savories that you can prepare on any day and those are these!

Ramki comes out with his collection of 1001 simple payasam dishes. I am sure many will find this collection very useful and a ready reckoner!

Halwas on Parade!

His highness Maharaj shares with Meera the secret recipe for one lovely dish called Halwasan. I am sure it tasted as delicious it looks. Its sounds and looks great, afterall its made with paneer!

Now when I thought I have envisaged all possible halwas, here comes RC with a halwa made with banana. She sure makes a point for us to go banana over her pictures. Well want to know how she ended up with a banana halwa, well that's a same story every mother has, trying to please her kid, only to be ended up with loads of stuff that doesn't fancy anymore! Anyway, am sure her kid loved this variation of those fruits!

Want to learn ABC in Halwa? Well I mean Sireesha comes out with an ABC Halwa, which means apple banana and carrot. I am sure this is a lovely way to teach kids, the alphabets!

For Mallugirl, the cold chill weather sets the mood for her to crave for sweet rich food. And in this season, it can't be anything else than her favorite gajar ka halwa. Well reading through post, makes me nostalgic, thinking of the same story happening at every family! I could do well to reach out that mould she has there!

Rolling Laddus

Sharmi is known to put up elaborate spreads for all special occasions. Her RCI spreads are something I have always been in awe! So this Dussehra and Diwali specials, comes as no surprise! She has a parade of Laddus, with so many varieties to choose, will you ever be in want for anything?

This coconut laddus from Priya, are something that I have always wanted to prepare. But never came about. So its really tempting to find such beautiful picture of Coconut Laddus. The winning factor is always the simplicity of the recipe.

Now you mention Apple, and Uma can churn out innovative dishes out of it. I especially thing she is either very fond of Apples or has an Apple orchid at her backyard. What else would you say when she makes such delicious looking Apple Laddu!

Payasam / Pudding!

Hetal prepares this yummy Rava Sheera that's her hubby's favorite. So she doesn't wait for any festival to prepare these for him. Of course this being so easy to make, makes it all the more interesting!

I am sure there are many out there who love semiya payasam. Its easy and simple to make! And LG serves it for a friend who is on a travel. What a lovely way to start a journey!

Mahimaa comes with a foolproof method of making a badam kheer and a low fat at that! I am sure you all will love a serving of this anytime of the day!

Sabakki payasa is another traditional dish that comes from Ujwala, whose 2nd attempt at making this, comes out successfully. Well I am sure it tasted great too!

Other Varieties of Sweets

Priya comes in with another sweet treat, this time its Jangiri. Yes I too love it when its hot. Actually it makes a great combo with Ice cream and seeing Priya's tempting picture, I was only reminded of that!

Raaga has many adventures to share, one of them, is cooking this delicious sheera that she prepared when she was still in 7 std. Plus the fact that she has a certificate that says “Proficiency Badge in Cooking. Wow hop on to check her other prestigious award!

Now who won't love dishes that are ready in a jiffy and that, that doesn't require long standing orders..pan intended! Well that's just what our dear Radhika makes, that's loved by her kids and very easy to prepare. Wondering at the name Naanu Maanu, well its from Orissa.

Nankhatais, I have heard many times, yeah I have eaten them many times, only I may not have known what they are called. But seeing a chocolate Nankhatai, was the ultimate delight! Supriya makes these by adding coco and in turn creating a fusion dish!

Mysore Pak is a treat to enjoy and getting the right consistency makes it more enjoyable. For Ujwal, its both vacation and hubby birthday that prompts her to make this and enjoy.

Uma Maheswari enjoys the festival with sweetness of coconut in the form of a burfi. Knowing the versatile of this sweet, you can get this done for any festive day!

Vijay makes for the festivals, burelu that too with sajja pindi. I can so well remember my Athamma making this, so I know hers must've tasted great. Nice way to enjoy a grand festival!

Yasmeen makes these lovely Beet Cheese Treats. Its so innovative to make use of Cheese and beets to land in such sweet treats! I am sure this suits any festive time and day!

Savories for all festivals!

Yummy Onion Pakodas are something nobody can resist! And LG things these are the best when one has to offer for a festival or a party. They disappear in minutes. No wonder, her pakodas are looking so tempting!

Priya Suresh makes this delicious chikkis with Besan and is charmed with the taste and simplicity of the dish. This is an easy one for beginners for making murukus.

I have done and eaten lot of rice flour murukus, but this is the first time hearing of one made with wheat flour. And Priya says they are good for diabetic people and kids.

Though I love Murukku, I don't remember ever tasting one made with Maida. Viji says they come out super delicious. Well the picture is tempting enough!

Karwa Chauth Celebrations!

Roma brings in a beautiful tale of Karwa chauth. It symbolizes the love we have for our better half! So the fasting that the women keep becomes more important. Though I know why and how they observe karwa Chauth, getting it first hand is very interesting.

This is another one of those traditional dishes done on Karwa Chauth. This festival is not complete without this dish, so I know how special it is as that festival! Vandy goes on an adventure preparing these for day!

Dasara Special!

EC can come with a feast fit for an army, any time of the day. And for Desara special, she does so many yummy treats. You have something in mind, ask for any, EC has them for you. Check out the delicious spread of Sweets and Savories that EC dishes out in jiffy.

Jaya's nostalgic recollection of her grandparents and the celebrations they used to have at their place, makes us feel we are right there with them. With memories comes the wonderful food shared, and the dishes she has prepared, will surely to make any day an occasion to celebrate!

From Kamala's Corner, you are sure to get a dosa of traditional fare. As expected, I wasn't disappointed this too. It was an over dosa of festival food with the different prasadams she had made for the season!

I can still remember the lovely decorations that Amma does for Saraswati pooj or Ayudha Pooja. So I am pleased to get you a peek into that with Pavani's entry! That slack of books sure will have my niece's alphabet book!

Sangeeth posted her delicious prasad on all 10 days of the Navaratri pooja. Each one was as special as the other. I must really appreciate her patience to prepare so many goodies and post them on everyday affair!

This was the first time I am hearing this word, Labra. I read on to become enthralled in the tale that Soma weaves of the Communal celebrations held in Bengal. I can understand her longings, it must be truly enjoyable, cooking for a community, enjoying with all and being one big family! Afterall what's festival, if its not spent along with the neighbours and friends! This Labra is a dish that's get prepared using lots of vegetables, I can only imagine how it must taste!

Savories for a Navaratri

From Raaga, comes three delightful dishes, that can make your Navaratri more memorable!

An accidental encounter makes Raaga, resort to this instant guilt free thayir vadas and it paves way to a new healthy, yet tasty versions of the traditional Thayir Vadas. Try these and am sure you wouldn't crave for the oily vadas anymore!

For Raaga, Navaratri and sundal, go hand in hand. Very true, I too remember Navaratri in relation to the different sundals, one gets to eat. coming from a multicultural background, this lady doesn't give much ado about the different cultures she has had the exposure too!

Rangoon Mochai Sundal is what Raaga makes to get on the Navartri feeling on herself. Navaratri time, its very common for one to get invited to see the golu, given sundal and of course asked to sing. Well these are common if you had lived in the southern parts of India. But not to be left out of those memories, Raaga indulges herself with these delicious looking sundals!

I still remember so vividly the different sundals we get to eat during Navaratri time. So its no wonder Sukanya prepares different sundal for each day of the festive. And this sundal made with Chana dal tops! Very easy and tasty, now who will say no!

Ujwala brings to us, her favorite festival food. It goes well with majjige huli. Well I can only imagine the taste. Wish I had somebody make these for me!

Dasara Festival Sweets !

Ever heard of Kadabu before? Atleast I haven't heard the name, though the sweet is famous.Bhagyashri tells us the tale behind this delicious sweet, Kadabu. Well its puffed up like one and looks tempting. Though I won't mind her making these for me!

Divya always ensures she gives you a trip down the memory lane. Atleast for me, most times. And this post on navrathri special, brought me back my childhood days, spent exactly the same way. And for all her claims on not being so adventurous in cooking, she comes up with a Kesari made with Beets. Now lady this is what I call innovation and very pretty at it too!

Unniyappam have always caught my attention. And it was no less when Divya Kudua sent it as her dusara feast. How lovely it looks and she has a tale to tell too. How I remember those days struggling with iron cast appam pans.

Next comes Lakshmi Venkatesh with an usual dish that I am hearing for the first time, a sweet dish made with kalkandu. Its wonderful to know another form of cooking sweet dish made with Kalkandu. And this seems to be traditional. I am very glad getting to know this!

Lakshmi takes us through a trip to Mysore. She fondly longs for Navaratri celebrations that she had as a child and recreates them for her little one. That simple Vermicilli Barfi is a such a delicious one, that no one can complain.

Now who wont love Puttu, atleast its my most favorite one. But since the process is considered lengthy, we don't normally attempt. But when you get down making it, its quite simple and very tasty. So check out how Mandhuram gets it down and its nice to know its their favorite too. Thanks to her Mom, we have a recorded version to refer!

Mandira is getting spoiled by the lovely attention from both Mom and Mil and this festival season is more special because of their family reunion. And what better occasion than this, to make such an innovative and delicious sweet! Three different ingredients comes together to make this yummy and healthy halwa!

Meera always makes sure she gives us a glimpse of wonderful Indian food through her lens. I always look at her blog for traditional food from her family. And this Multigrain pancakes is no less. The pictures are ready to tempt you for a feast right away!

Dasara or Navaratri Sweets!

Radhika shares her experience in enjoying Durga pooja and remembers the Komola Kheer that was served as prasad! I am sure it tasted and brought back many wonderful memories for her.

Next she shares a traditional dish from Karnataka. Radhika learnt these from her neighbour. Well I don't actually mind digging into it and Radhika says its quite same as the samosas but I guess I rather ask her to make these for me.

Sailaja spell bounds her readers with not just one, but two lovely sweets that are so typical of South Indian festivals. She is known for her captivating pictures and great recipes. Even these simple sweets comes live through her hands! Please do check on her lovely Rava Laddus and delicious looking Semiya Payasam.

I never knew cabbage can be prepared as Halwa, until Ujwala sent in her entry. It does look very tempting and I am sure this is a sure way to eat cabbage if you happen not to like it! This is what Ujawala prepares for Sarawati pooja!

Ujwal takes a trip down her memory lane, accounting her childhood memories of Vijaya Dashmi. One can almost visualize her words and can feel we are right there in the celebrations. She makes Rava Payasam, which is something I should try my hands as it looks decadent!

Not being happy with just apple laddus, Uma tempts her readers with another version. Of course this is in lieu with her celebrations. I wish Uma many more such wonderful posts!

Deepavali / Diwali Celebrations!

Reading Arundhuti Rama's beautiful post on what Diwali means, brings back many such fond memories. She talks about the four day long celebrations and how each day signifies. Gone are the days of playing with fireworks for her, these days she spends time with family and friends celebration joy and sharing good food, of course not to mention those beautiful diyas!

Divya enjoys the fullest with loads of crackers and festival lunch! The array of dishes lined up on the plate sure ensures a great feast! If you ever wanted to see a typical Konkani fare, you sure know where to drop in!

Deepavali / Diwali Special Sweets!

For A-kay, its a tradition to follow and follow she does without fail. This beautiful post accounting on how it was during her childhood and how she tries to recreate the same nostalgic feeling in having the same but her favorite Mysore Pak, is a tale you should read yourself! Getting the perfect Mysore Pak is no science, it needs a perfect trail and error method, she says!

Cham shares her wonderful experience she used to have while back home. Not to miss out those wonderful memories for her son, she holds on to the tradition of making sweets! Badam burfi, she says needs no other skill other than just stirring and stirring non stop. Well that's some skill I must say!..The end result as in her picture is mouth watering enough to keep on stirring for long!

If there was ever a lore that spoke about woes of a mislanding dish, then this is it!. Read on the witty bantering Indo has on her barfis always ending up as halwa. My dear friend, why do you want to give your cheeks an exercise, I would say the halwas would be a great choice any day. But Indo is hell bent, rather barfi bent, so you get the barfi in the end. so what if she changed the entire recipe given to her! She is happy she's got her barfi and you a picture to drool on!

Now Laavanya is one cool lady. What else can I think, when she ends up making so many goodies! One particular sweet called as the 7 cup burfi, sure gets your attention. This is a famous south Indian sweet prepared during deepavali. Though she recommends to use little discrete while using the measurement, else you will end up with loads of burfis!

Memories of her thalai diwali, gets Mahimaa to venture into making these lovely Badam cakes. She doesn't go soft on the fat or sugar, well what's the point right! And she is very glad it turned out, same as what her memories account. What's festive, you don't go enjoy.

For Pavani, the festive season reminds more of the days she spent in home land, enjoy the day, playing with crackers and eating yummy food. But not to be let down by anything, she lightens the mood by cooking a storm, now what else you call those lovely jamuns or those tempting Janthikalu or that delicious looking Badam burfi.

The famous Mysurpa from Sree Krishna is very famous. Of course its also famous in adding few extra bit to your waist lines. But then, if you want to taste the authentic you can crib about calories right. I am happy Prema tried it out and landed in a perfect melt in your mouth types of this sweet. Her pictures are sure a eyeful!

As usual, we have a lovely spread from Sharmi as her festive treats this Diwali. first she attempts at making Boorelu, a traditional Andhra delicacy which I am very fond of. She gets a perfect balls of these and says though the shelflife is couple of days, it hardly stayed for more than few hrs! Her Badam halwa and chocolate Barfis are only meant to torture us more, I guess!

Sukanya feels her deepavali is not complete without making these instant barfi made with all time favorite chocolate. Since making these last year, she has had repeat success of these delicious sweets. And guess what, they get done so quickly you won't even know, and get devoured as fast too!

Getting into the mood to prepare sweets for the Diwali, Supriya makes these quick, but delicious barfi with nuts. I am sure if one starts on these, they won't let go until its done!

Mysore Pak is something you can never say no. Atleast the ones that are melt in your mouth types. Ujwala comes in with her version, that she learnt from her mom and ajji. And remembers the time she had seen them slogging over a pan of pak! Ehmm, whatever it is, its worth the efforts, seeing her yummy picture!


Bhawana makes this drool worthy Kalakand. I never could take my eyes off her beautifully formed Kalakand. I am surely going to attempt after seeing her pictures. These are her favorite sweet for festive occasions and what better way to enjoy!

I have always been fond of Bournvita, I remember the many times I had it just like that. So imagine, a wonderful fudge made with it? Dibs and Chitra amma has this wonderful blog that they do on traditional cooking. Every time I visit them, its a feast to eyes and wonderful to read their escapades in cooking! This Bournvita Fudge is a lovely one to atone to it.

She hardly needs any introduction. From a cozy corner in Germany, she weaves a tale with her beautiful pictures, apt to carry you afar. Reading Meeta's nostalgic account of her Nana and Nani, I almost felt I was right there, witnessing the pranks, she and her Nana were up too! The Pralines that she made, were fit for the festive season. So what if she was very far from her native, with this lovely post, she took us all right there to her grandparents home!

Reshma says she wanted to share a nutritious recipe, but here when its Diwali time, you can be thinking of calories right. So here comes a Malai Peda, which is her Mom's favorite. And this recipe, she says gets done quick!

Halwas for Diwali!

Divya's beautiful puri with a twist of Almond along with fat free halwa is a sure winner. Well it actually an award. Naturally you would say right, looking the way it does. Way to go Divya, that's a great achievement!

A beautiful tribute to a person who never said no to prepare this laborious treat, Papu Pati, we come to know was a great cook. Dibs along with her Mom, share their memories of a lady who was an expert in making the perfect Wheat Halwa. I would like to say, everyone must atleast attempt this sweet once!

Well Gajar ka halwa always meant grating and stirring the carrots for hours together. Of course, we all do that eagerly waiting for the yummy end results. But Divya decided she had enough and wanted to try this easy breezy recipe which is a short cut for making this yummy dessert!

Haling from the famous Sivakasi, Kamala does a firebursting in making wheat Halwa. This is another one of her Mom's signature dishes, and if Kamala's look so delicious and yummy, wonder how it must be if her Mom made!

Dumroot Halwa is something I have heard often, but never got down making it. So seeing Lakshmi's delicious looking halwa, only tells me that next time I got to buy some pumpkin!

From Madhu comes the much famed halwa, the moongdal halwa! But since her family is low on sweet and grease, she tries to attempt at making a low fat, yet tasty sweet. Now who wouldn't want that!

The one reason why I love blog events, is the fact you get to know so many lovely blogs. And PG's is one of that I have the pleasure to know. For this festive season, she wanted to try something new and she landed herself in a squash! I mean she ended up preparing Butternut squash halwa. With the looks that halwa has, I am sure she enjoyed it well!

Priya finds herself with Pumpkin, planning for soup, she ends up with delicious Halwa. To give it an added boost, she adds almond, to come up with a treat to herself!

Uma Maheswari enjoys the diwali trying this halwa with white pumpkin for the first time. by the looks of it, she has enjoyed it a lot!

Vandy celebrates her diwali far from her family yet feels happy that there are friends to spend the festive day. She checks in to make her traditional sweets, since she ran out of besan, she replaces it with ragi to come out with an innovative laddos. Not to be left with just these, she makes this delicious Suji Ka halwa!

Perfect Laddus for Diwali!

With the success of Mysore Pak, A Kay wanted to try something that doesn't require much shopping, rather prepare something with what was available on hands. So she and her friend devise that Payatham Urundai are the best shot! This they make, while rambling on childhood memories and trying to create a new traditions for themselves. Well will check on next year, if they keep up to their promises!

Divya has double the reasons to celebrate, her 50th and the festival of lights. So what better occasions than these to make these powder packed laddus. These are her own creations, which she seem to come up so often. But who would say no to something so deliciously looking balls!

Cham makes not one, but two tempting sweet treats for this festive season. These Moong dhal ladoos are enough to tempt a saint! With Ghee cashew, these sure make a great sweet! Cham's pictures sure comes alive always and these no doubt follow suit!

Cham can charm her way into most things. This time, its no different. She knows she can't blog on the diwali fare she is going to gear up. Luckily she finds the pictures of these often made Boondi ladoos and tempts me much with the picture. Though I am not a sweets person myself, I can indulge in boondi ladoos, that too right off the stove!

K encounters a fresh paint smell and memories of Deepavali spent during childhood gushes in for her. She fondly remembers the time she spent with siblings, waiting for the long holidays to be enjoyed with goodies. So she shares Coconut Laddoo as a start of her share of Diwali Treat!

Prajusha made these lovely Rava Ladoo to treat her Malaysian neighbour. Since these are quick to make, its always a pleasure to attempt these lovely bombs!

Sarada makes this lovely Boondi Laddu, that she learnt from her MIL. Deepavali for her, always meant eating sweets and what time left, bursting crackers! Of course, its been the same for me too. But reading it, reminds me how it to everybody!

Deepavali tends to be an occasion for Sireesha to think about the yummy laddos her Mom makes and tries her hand at making them. If these look good, am sure her mom's must taste out of the world!

Payasam / Pudding for Deepavali!

Appi Payasa is an innovation in making. Anjali tastes this in a wedding and its so appealing that she had to make it herself. But she wonders if this dish was invented to make use of the left over dough or what! She says this is the best way to use up whatever leftover dough you have. And on top its quite rich and tasty.

No Festival is complete without the final touching with a payasam, which usually is of semia. This atleast is a tradition with us, so its no wonder I felt I was reading about myself when I read Raaga's beautiful post about Semia Payasam.

Being away from the family and friends on this lovely day, can get anybody gloomy and sad. But RC ensures she doesn't get affected by those and makes sure her kid gets to enjoy this day, so she passes on the tradition of sharing joy and happiness on this wonderful day! And what better day to enjoy that lovely bowls of Rice kheer!

Sushma prepares an authentic payasa with rice. Its very delicious, of course a tedious process. So she came about creating an easy one but still a tasty version. This is what is made in her in-law place during Lakshmi pooja, am sure goddess lakshmi will shower all the blessings, content with this Kheer!

Other exciting sweets for Diwali!

Divya is very fond of Athirasam. So she is very happy getting the dough from her aunt, and she makes a lovely athirasams shaped as vadas. I always have a soft corner for lovely ones.

Gayathri makes a holige with coconut, which sure makes any day a festive day to celebrate its delicious taste. The plate full of those holige is enough to get anybody crave for these!

It was fun reading Lavi's unbelievable exclamation that she actually made Rasmalaai, all by herself. I must say, I was surprised too, that she could make all these complicated sweets with a toddler on hand. I was more than happy seeing her beautiful picture, she sure knows how to tempt somebody

Trust Radhika to come out with a different way to make kesari! She does it in a pressure cooker and vouches its the best way to get lump free yet easy kesari out in minutes!

Sharmila was all set to enjoy the Diwali with a series of sweets and what best to start other than the all time favorite, Gulab Jamun! Heed her words, eat to your maximum and exercise the rest of the year! Her gulab Jamun sure calls you to gulp it!

Our sweet lil Sia is enjoying a season of idyllic scene. Oops, lil and me, thinks sia! I can safely say that in trust the distance has me covered! Madam Sia says she wasn't in a mood to cook anything festive this season, for her grey cells were enough to decipher the codes of line! Well I am happy she happened to talk to her family, which prompted her to cook these lovely Banana Appam as treat!

It can't become anymore innovative than this entry from Sita, who makes a lamp that's too sweet for asking! A sweet lamp for the Diwali to lighten your days with joy and happiness. Really classic!

Our dear Athirasams, gets a different name from the kanadiga, who call it as Kajjaya. Smitha webs a tale of the importance of these during their wedding. This is a must for all weddings and of course during Deepavali.

Now who says these delectable Gujias should not be prepared during Diwali? Well Soma thinks the same and prepares it to end her craving for these, that she had for Holi. Diwali is a time enough to indulge in all sweet cravings you have. And from the picture I can understand why she was so tempted!

Sowmya is elated that she finally made Rasgulla at home. I know we always think these are hard to make, yet when you get down to making them, they are so simple. By the looks of her picture, I know her family enjoyed this treat!

Suma Rajesh comes in with a puran poli with a twist and not just that, its her wonderful hubby who does the great task of rolling out. Now that's what I call a team work!

Being a Queen of her kitchen, she knew she had to make something different this Diwali and while browsing her book, she eyes these attractive karanjis in rainbow and was happy with the results!

Ujawal shares a tempting recipe for Malpuri, which is a delightful dish made with Maida and buttermilk. Though she says these didn't turn out as soft as she had in hotels, I can't find differenace, they do look so tempting and sinful! She also gets down making some yummy Shankarpali!

Savories for Deepavali

Having a toddler on hand, is sure a task, but Anu manages beautifully to make these Thenguzhal, which is a great muncher and killer snack if you ask me. Its my most favorite and I am really taken in with so many bloggers making these! Anu sure must've impressed her hubby with her tasty snacks!

Aparna comes out with Jantikalu, which is more like a murukku. This is her family's special treat for deepavali. So we know how special it must be. Thanks Aparna for sharing it with us!

First times are always a memorable times! Imagine, preparing a dish, that too a difficult one, all by yourself! We find Divya all excited, for this is the first time she made Murukus and they turned out yummy!

Kayal had an exciting Diwali this year, cos its her first time with her in-laws and her kid. I am sure it will be a memorial day to remember always. And to enjoy the day, she made delicious snacks to entertain all. Check out her lovely dishes and enjoy!

Chaklis from Laavanya are little different from what she usually makes. But they enjoyed this new recipe, as it was spicy and crunchy. Now who won't want this for a treat on a festive day!

For me, Murukkus were all the same. I simply love all versions. But I always loved hearing the different names and the taste that comes with each. so these Thenkuzhals are something that's very delicious. And seeing MT's lovely picture, reminds me of those days enjoying these snacks.

And this dish from Sarada, is sure my favorite, Murukku. This is something that gets done on all festival days, and there is no bigger day than Deepavali! Sarada sure makes this for the day to enjoy with family!

Ujwala celebrates their special with a bowl of BBB along with these yummy chaklis made with potato. I am sure they made a great combo!


I love reading about Chettinad cuisine and have admired many dishes. But this one, is a topper. Lakshmi Venkatesh takes us on a tour with information worth knowing. And this wonderful munches are designed with a comb! How very innovative. Check out her post for the lovely way these are made!

I have seen seedai in ball shaped but in Oval?.Well Lakshmi comes out with this new form to adore an age old South Indian savory that's famous during Krishna jayanti and of course deepavali. But do venture into this with caution else you make have crackers bursting right there in the kitchen!

Its a boon to marry a girl, who is already a food blogger! This I know for sure when Mr. Nags encourages her to no end. She calls herself a newbie, but I know getting a perfect Thattai as seen in the picture, takes more experience than what Nags claims!

Prema makes the diwali celebrations perfect, by churning out lovely Mysurpa and then to accompany them, these yummy Ribbon Pakodas. Who will say no, for something so tempting!

Priya thinks Deepavali is not complete without these crispy Thattais. I agree on that! These are what her mom prepares and she followed to T, to get herself a bag full of crispy tasty savory discs! I wish she lived nearby!

When Reshma makes a sweet, how can she not make a savory item, to go with it! So these delicious Seedais are what she makes to go with her Malai Peda! What a lovely combination.

Smitha says Kajjaya can't be enjoyed without Nippattu. So she makes these to compensate the itch. I must says she is quite an expert to churn out these delicacies!

Ribbon Pakoda are always made at home for deepavali, so I was happy to know its the same at Sukanya's place too. She ended up making two bucketful of these snacks to be enjoyed during the festive season!

Other Savories and Diwali special Dishes!

Alka shares with us the sinfully delightful Dal Pakwaan. The way she has sung praises of this breakfast, sure makes me want to try this next time. She says Diwali is not complete without indulging in this breakfast. She gives us a peek to their celebrations, where they had the Hatri, which is a mandap, made for Goddess Lakshmi. The delicious diwali faral she has shared, sure evokes temptations!

Now if only all those lovely deep fried ones have a healthy substitutes but still taste great! But Divya says its so. These healthy lentil fritters are baked and yet they taste just the same, yummy and delicious.

Apu shares her adventure she has this Diwali. What with making the tamarind rice and Sambar from scratch, she made masala vadas too. Now this is what I call a typical south Indian festive fare!

Gayathri makes Savory Shankarpali for this diwali along with many other sweets and savory dishes, to be shared with family and friends.

Indrani gives a lovely insight into the festive behind Kali puja, which is celebrated with much enthusiasm in Bengal. The city never slows down from its festive mood, what with Durga puja, followed by Kali Puja! This puja is celebrated with lighting diyas in honour of the Goddess. What better reason than this to decorate the city with lights! Not just this, then comes the Bhai Phota, which celebrates the bond between a brother and sister! Both these festivals is not complete with the food. Hop on to her place to check out her beautiful pictures capturing all this for ever!

Diwali time is sure to be cherished with friends and family. Its a time to indulge in good food and great time. Mansi enjoys it with a bowl of Sev made with garlic, which sure makes it very exciting!

From Menu Today comes a new lesson for me. I never knew there was a separate make for making these. These lovely snacks are called Srathul, which she says are thinner versions of the nada pakkoda. Well I am happy having learnt a new name!

Sudeshna sets the mood all right for the Diwali, with her recollection of how things go on with festival mood. she is welcomed with an array of food that's good enough to keep her going for long. She gets it going with Daler Vada, which is a famous Bengali starter!

Supriya says she is not very keen on diwali sweets and savories, as she ends up eating most of it! But the she gets caught up and ends up dishing out these tasty chiwda and enjoys with the other sweets she makes!

Finally from me, some sweets!


I hope I have included all the entries sent, please let me know if I have missed anyone.

I once again like to thank Indira and all the wonderful bloggers who have made this event a lovely one to remember!

The Cooker has hooted the whistle on for the next edition of Jihva on Carrots!

Do check on my fellow marathon runner's delicious recipes!

DK , Siri , Anu, Ranji, PJ, Curry Leaf, Medha, Priya, Bhawna, Raaji, Ruchii, Kamala, Roopa, Divya Kudua, Rekha , Divya M, Lak, Raaga, Lakshmi Venkatesh, Sripriya, Viji, Kamalika and Pavani
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