That's a difficult question... but I really do enjoy your company ☺... maybe not as much as a tapa of Iberian Acorn Ham but I'm happy I met you all♥
I just got tagged by Valli from More than a Burnt Toast. She is a beautiful person and her blog reflects her love for life and food. Go take a look and enjoy her posts as much as I do :D.
This Meme has very simple instructions:
*List the Last 10 people who have commented on your blog.
*If you appear on my list, you are tagged and have to do this meme on your own blog too.
*So - who were my last ten commenters?
10) Recipe Girl
9) Laurie from Mediterranean Cooking in Alaska
8) Valli from More than a Burnt Toast
7) Giz from Equal Opportunity kitchen
6) Marianna from History of Greek Food
5) Jenn from The Leftover Queen
4) Emiline from Visions of Sugar Plum
3) Joan from Foodalogue
2) Nikki from Canary Girl
1) Deeba from Passionate about Baking
Now answer the following:
1. What is your favourite post from number 3's blog? Her herb-crusted pork roast! Go and check and tell me you don't drool ;D
2. Has number 10 taken any pictures that have moved you? Recipe Girl always has beautiful shots at her site. I think that the food first enters through ones eyes and she does a great job there :D
3. Does number 6 reply to comments on their blog? Yes she does, I just checked that. Thanks Marianna :D.
4. Which part of blogland is number 2 from? She is from Spain!!!! Actually she lives in Canary islands which belong to Spain but they are closer to Africa than to Spain, a wonderful place to leave at... wonderful beaches and people :D. But Nikki is original from America, aren't you Nikki?
5. If you could give one piece of advice to number 7 what would it be? OOoooops, I don't think I could give any advice to Giz... she has a wonderful blog shared with her daughter and I love to visit her. Instead, my wish would be that they never get tired of blogging ;D
6. Have you every tried something from number 9's blog? I know that many of Laurie's recipes have shocked me!!! She has a precious blog, love her stories of wild Alaska and her pictures and recipes... I might have done one or two or she might have inspired me to perform my own, but I don't remember now. Go check her blog!
7. Has number 1 blogged something that inspired you? I love everything Deeba bakes because that is what her blog is about... all her creations are so carefully presented: cookies, bread, muffins, cakes... I still have to bake some of her cookies, but she surely is a source of inspiration :D
8. How often do you comment on number 4's blog? Emiline is such a sweetheart and sweethands ;D!!! All she touches becomes sweet! I comment on every post she makes :D
9. Do you wait for number 8 to post excitedly? Yeeeeeeeees! Valli's Blog is one of my favourites!!!! Go check and you will agree with me :D
10. How did number 5's blog change your life? It seems that this meme was made on purpose to answer all my blogging main themes... Jenn really did change my blog life!!!!! When I met her and her blog a new world showed to me! She was so sweet and helpful and her Blogroll was such a fantastic discovery and her monthly challenge foodie Event was perfect to meet other bloggers :D. Just GREAT!
11. Do you know any of the 10 bloggers in person? Not in person, but I think I know them much better than some of my neighbours. I would love to meet them all and have some tapas and a beer in my house terrace.
12. Do any of your 10 bloggers know each other in person? Who knows? I don't think so.
13. Out of the 10, which updates more frequently? Deeba and Jenn, I think.
14. Which of the 10 keep you laughing? Emiline! She's got a great and fantastic sense of humour :D, I love all her stories :D
15. Which of the 10 has made you cry (good or bad tears)? Maybe Valli, Jenn and Laurie have the most moving and touching stories.
This was the Meme. And now the Awards I received come from Greece :D. First from Johanna and the second from Ivy, the Excellent Award and the Arte y Pico. Thanks so much girls for thinking about me when giving away your awards :D. Please forgive me for taking so long to post about it.

Here under you will find the blogs I think that deserve both of them:
Maria from Kali Orexi. She is also Greek and her dishes are so true and delicious.
Nathan from La Cocina de Nathan such a hard worker and such delicious latin recipes.
Joan from Foodalogue a smart girl that in no time has been able to get in our kitchens and hearts.
Emiline from Visions of Sugar Plum the sweetest girl in blogosphere :D.
Jen from A2EatWrite. A wonderful person and a great blog!

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