Ismael Nafría is a Journalist, a writer, a consultant and a lecturer specialized in Internet. But most of all he is a wonderful person. Thanks again Ismael for your great recommendations and suggestions, thanks for your patience when answering my questions and thanks for getting my neurons excited ;D.
His last book Internet es útil - Internet is useful has been and it's being a great success. Go and check his web too, I'm sure you will find it really interesting and helpful ;D. No english version yet... but that's why we have google translator, don't we?

- Peel and clean the artichokes: discard the big green leaves, cut them and rub with a lemon to avoid oxidation. Clean their hair inside. Open a bit and reserve. Take a pot, put the artichokes inside and half cover them with water, add some salt inside every artichoke and a bit of olive oil. Bring to a boil and simmer with the lid on until they are tender. Aprox 30 to 45 minutes. Depending on the size it will take more or less.
- Preheat the oven at 180ºC.
- When the artichokes are ready, place over a strainer so that they leave all the water. Now prepare an oven recipient and put the artichokes in.
- Take the quail eggs and with a knife's saw cut them to open and pour inside the artichoke.
- Place in the oven until the eggs are done.
- Take out of the oven and cut a bit of foie, sprinkle on top. Sprinkle also some salt and ground black pepper and serve hot.
- You can roast your artichokes instead of boiling if you prefer so.
The most remarkable thing of the composition of the artichoke are a number of substances that do not stand out for their quantity, but for the remarkable physiological effects that cause:
Cinarina and cinaropicrina: aromatic compounds responsible for the bitter taste of the artichoke. The cinarina is known for its diuretic effect and colerética. Lines of current research focus on the potential preventive role of the cinaropicrina in tumor diseases.
Chlorogenic acid: phenolic compound with antioxidant capacity.
Sterols are substances with similar chemical plant to animal cholesterol, with the ability to limit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.
Cinar: flavonoid anti-inflammatory action.
Organic acids (malic and citric, among others) are known to enhance the action of the cinarina and cooking, among many other features. (Source Eroski).
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