
The Mega Rice Mela Round up ~ Part 3!

Today we are going to have a feast with the different pulaos and one pot meal. I have mostly gone by the tag name given for the dish, it could well be either too.

Though I have always wanted to know the exact difference between a pulao and a biryani, there seems to be many an opinion. Pulao is a mild dish that's prepared with either having the rice cooked along with the vegetables or as a layer. While Biryani is more rich and more elaborate and mostly cooked separately and them layered to have the aromas mixed. I am most eager to know of any accurate definition for these two.

One pot meal as showcased here, are mostly dals or lentils cooked along with vegetables and rice, which makes a perfect meal on itself!!

Lets check out the delicious Pulaos with Veggies!

The lull that came in after the Diwali celebrations had Alka getting used to the lazy routine. But kids will be kids right, so her son started complaining on the boredom that never seems to be get away with kids. To make things exciting they took off for a picnic and enjoyed to the maximum. The never ending food did end, and they ended up in a stall to eat this lovely Tawa pulao. Back home Alka tries to recreate the magic in her kitchen and makes a pan pulao!

Next comes in Jaya with one lovely looking Vegetable Pulao, which goes well with raita. Not just these, she shares some lovely sentiments on her meme, which makes it an excellent read!

Then comes another veggie treat from Pavani. This delicious looking pulao has all sautéed vegetables cooked along with rice, which I am sure makes it a real treat!

PG comes with a pilaf that she says was done very rustically, hence the title goes that way!. But it didn't lack any of the flavorsome ingredients to make it taste any less. She decorated it with veggies and nuts cos PG is a nutty person! I mean she means she loves nuts!

makes this delicious looking Shahi vegetable pulao for a quick brunch. Having no mood to dine out, she came up with this quick one pot meal, which seems to have everything. The veggies, the spices and the look! Who could say to that wonderful bowl she has sent! I always rush in to check out her mouthwatering pictures!

Another interesting dish from Shifa is the Easy Veg Pulav. She says that even her picky son loves this pulav and eats without fuss. She dodges him by sneaking veggies into the rice, which I guess he does love in the end!

This much loved Vegetable bhath is another entry from Ujwal. She says she simply loves this bhath that her Mil prepares and makes sure to have it for all meals. So we know how awesome it must be! While you are at her blog, I am sure you wouldn't want to miss out this yummy Black Chana Pulao, as I did!

Corns and dals mixed in rice make a great variety on table. Check out these interesting dishes these bloggers have to offer!

Archana tries her hand at making a rice thats very healthy and protien rich. Nothing can beat a sprouts, so you get a Sprouts Pulao, which is all green. Whats more she tries it with whats available on hand!

Hema from Adlaks tinyworld, prepares a channa puloa which is very delicious to look and I am sure tasted equally great. This way we get to include protein to our rice and make it more healthy!

Corn pulao, is another creation from Jayashree, who says it uses very few ingredients yet gives you the satisfaction of a flavourful dish has to! Well if you are in a mood to read what frustrating it is for a parent, read on her post!

Corn in any form is something very delicious to nibble on. And when you get to taste them along with Rice, I am sure you will fall in love with it. This recipe from Pavani sounds quick to make and very easy one to pack too!

I love corn in all forms, so its no wonder I am sorely tempted by the beautiful picture captured by Raji. She says she used baby corn instead of kernels. Well I won't say no ok!

Oh I love it when Shyam comes with her posts. She has a way with words and adds a trilling experience to read. Now she faced a query and sought the Google god's help, only to be prompted answered that what she was looking, was correct. I can say with her Green Lentil Rice, she made me and Sra happy because of the results!


Lets get ready for a splash of Green hitting us in form of Coriander, Mint, and capsicum!

First on the list is a dish from CurryLeaf, who prepares another simple pulao using peas and since this is cooked together, its less work! Her picture looks more inviting than what she can say!

Gopi shah prepares one colourful pulav, by adding bell peppers to a spinach pulao. She loves spinach and makes it at every chance she gets! Well its no wonder, when the picture looks so tempting!

Next one comes from Hema of Adlaks tinyworld. Mixed rice with herbs are the best way to enjoy nature's gift to man. And Hema makes the most by preparing a coriander rice, that is very flavorsome and a treat to eyes!

I have very recently started appreciating the wonder of Tofu, and I see Himani combines it with spring onions to make a delicious looking pulao. I am sure the blend of these two makes it one great one pot dish!

Well any day an one dish meal is a great one to choice. And that's exactly what Jayasree feels when she makes this spinach and carrot come together with rice to make this lovely looking pulao, what's more paneer on the side to make one exciting meal!

Next we have Kayal enjoying this Pudina Rice for the first time when her dear mom made it for her baby shower function. She was really surprised with the taste and the interest it created in all. I can imagine how it is, since these variety rice have a way to please all!

From there we are back in college! The sweetness of college days, the wonderful friends we had back then, makes even studying such a fun task. And Laavanya spent days with her friends doing a group study. And in one such session, she got to taste this yummy Capsicum Rice. She makes it even more exciting by pairing it with Capsicum raitha!

You can actually have a field day mixing and matching different flavours in rice. And LG makes a flovoursome rice with mint infusing its aroma in rice. This rice comes handy when you are in a hurry to fix a quick one yet tasty on the sides!

Mahimma is very fond of this mint rice as her mom used to make it often for her. It always brings back those lovely college days when her friends used to whip away right off her lunch box, how yum!

From Radhi's Kitchen comes this green green Mint and Peas Pulav. I am sure they had a lovely time enjoying this bowl of pulao at their place!

Rajee dishes out the delicate Basil Flavored Vegetable Pulao. When at a time she couldn't find her usual mint on hand, she wanted to improvise with what she had on hand. Well I must say all improvise leads us to great taste, so does this pulao with such delicious look!

Another version of the lovely mint and coriander dancing together in rice, comes from Rekha. When its on a plantainleaf, how can one ignore its beauty!

Rinku has a suburban love affair with flavors and spices, for she is cooking in Westchester! The Saag Paneer Pulao, that she dishes out, is treat to visual and palate! She ensures she cooks up healthy food all on days as her farmers market keeps open with much choice! Whatever, who will say not to this yummy rice!

Then we Sangeeth making this delicious looking rice with capsicum and says this is the best of all she has tried till now. With the rice tucked into the capsicum, it sure looks very inviting!

Finally Supriya finds the perfect Bell Pepper Masala Rice, that was very delicious. She made this for a get together and am sure her guests simply loved it!

Sushma enjoying a cozy winter day with heavy clothing and hot piping coffee, decides to impress with her pulao that she makes with methi. Add few spices and stir in the rice, and wow you have an aromatic methi pulav on hand!

Now we have puloas with elegant ingredients!

Three pretty ladies come baring the fragrant Kashmiri pulao, a taste of a beautiful land!

My memories of Kashmiri Pulao can be woven in long lengths! And reading DK's account of this pulao, gets me nostalgic for my Mom's preparation, which she used to make oft! The fragrant pulao with nuts and fruits, did a lot to a person first trying to learn about different cuisine. And DK's gorgeous picture does more then bring beauty to the ,this lovely dish from a beautiful land!

Mahimaa loves pineapple, so much so that, anytime of the day, you can find it stocked at her place. No wonder she was promoted to try this pulao with pineapple. I remember my mom making this and looking at her picture, sure makes me want to make it again!

One of those beautiful blogs I discovered is most definitely Sujatha's Spicy Khazana. Just as the name denotes, her blog is a khazana of detectable food and gorgeous pictures. Reading through her posts, one might forget to take a look at her tempting Kashmiri Pulao, but of course the colourful picture can't escape the notice!

With Nags being lazy one weekend, we ended up with an entry like a Paneer Peas Pulao. The beautiful picture makes me wonder if she is what she can come up with when lazy, how it will be when she is active and thought of cooking up a storm.

Ranji's passion for paneer, makes her try this new dish at her kitchen. She makes sure she has a stock of Paneer at anytime of the week and this time, it gets to adorn as Paneer Corn Pulao, which I am sure she enjoyed very much!

Well I was all mystified seeing the name 3 P pulav, that Shifa sent across. Her bil loves pulavs, so she was keen on making different types. But when finally she ran out of ideas, she just took what was on hand and made this delicious looking pulao with 3 Ps, well go on to read what they are!!

When you are lazy, yet want something to indulge, then this is for you. Paneer Pulao from Sukanaya, is just rightly flavoured and still exotic enough to be made for a party and to indulge you at home!

Then we have two interesting dishes from Hema, First dish is the much wanted Mushroom Pulao as a request from a reader. And I am sure they had a great time cooking this!

Next we find Hema cooking up a very innovative dish with rice and Pasta to end up as a great Pulao. The picture looks very inviting and am sure the taste too! Not just that this makes a great lunch box dish!

We get a peek into an authentic Bengali Polao sent by Indrani. This rice dish is little different because the bengalis are sweet people and they add a little sweet touch to all their dishes! And this classic caramelized sugar sure adds a zing to the dish!

I have always wondered at Muthiyas, the few that I have seen have always intrigued me. But when Sharmila sent in a pulao flavoured with these muthiyas, nothing looked better! I am sure the flavours that went into these tempting muthiyas are enough to take this pulao to a different level!

This typical authentic dish Arisi upma from Vij, that's prepared for breakfast, sure sounds very delicious. I have never tried it so, I am sure this is going to be my next do to list!

Finally for today, we have one pot meals cooked with dals and rice along with loads of vegetables. These interesting dishes really do meals one complete meal!

Kadam Bhog is a rustic dish prepared in Rajasthan, the day after diwali. This dish symbolizes the beginning of new year and hence lot of new crop vegetables are used to prepare this dish. Archana Garg says this not only symbolizes prosperity but good on tummy too, after the heavy dose of diwali celebrations.

I guess BBB takes the crown of being the top on, one pot dish that can be made quickly, yet make for a comforting meal. And DK follows the lead in making the simplest one that her Mom makes. Well whatever Moms make its always delicious and DK does give a treat to eyes with her tempting picture! For the RM, when DK was dishing out one yummy roti after the other, I was upset. Well with three delicious entries, she has made me very happy I should say!

Hema shares with us the version of Bisi Bela Bath, that her mom learnt from her friends mom. Memories of childhood always evokes great feelings and if its related with food, its more intense as we enjoy the recreation.

Himani prepares her all favorite rice dish, Dana Bhat which is Rice cooked with Green Pigeon Pea. Now that must've been really comforting! I can remember eating those fresh peas just like that, so in rice it must've been awesome!

Kamalika makes this easy and quick one dish meal, Kootanchoru which tastes awesome as she says. When time is less, and you are in a hurry, then this comes to save your life!

Then we have two entries from Madhu. First one where she serves the staple rice with protein powder uploaded with moongdal. I am sure it packed them lots of energy! And not just that, she says she added some almonds for crunchy bites and more energy!..well after all she is running the marathon right.

Then getting back from a enjoyable trip back home, Madhu is not in a mood to cook elaborate dishes. Thinking of the many plates of panipuris and chaats that passed her taste buds, she is only on regular stuff. But she finally gets doing this one pot dish with simple masoor dal, which sure makes it very appealing!

Coming to the beautiful blogs I have discovered through this mela, this is another one of them! Rachana pens Coming to the down her memories of her mom's cooking, along with her own tests and trails. Its a true journey to discover flavors and spices and in one such attempt she makes the simplest of rice dishes that her moms makes, Daalimbi Bhaat! While you are at her blog, do hop on to check out the other lovely Pineapple Rice!

Then we have Rekha making this one pot dish with dal and rice blended with spices, to make a dish that's so easy and quick. Its called Arisimparuppu, which means dal and rice.

For Sowmya, its the one pot meal that's comforting. Its all in one dish your requirements for the day, with the lentils, proteins are mixed in one feed. What more can you ask when it looks as inviting as this Black Eyed Bean Rice!

Finally the pro gets into action! Suganya seeks comfort in a bowl with her Steaming hot kadamba sadam, specked with jackfruit seed. Well this is the first time I am hearing this sadam and I must say she has done it so beautifully with her elegant pictures. Kadambam means assortment of similar things and she does that to this curry with all veggies and rice!

Finally from me, this healthy Moong Dal Rice.


Thats all for today folks! Hope you all have patience to check two more rounds of this!
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