
The Mega Rice Mela Round up ~ Part 4!

I had planned to post all the editions one after the other. But hubby dear said that one may not be able to view the entire post in a single day. Maybe it was a good thing. I am yet to cook anything new. Athamma was seriously complaining that we hadn't posted anything new. I was finding it very sweet. When I was uploading these pictures, both Peddu and Chinnu wanted to be seated on my lap. I actually wanted to shut down, seeing them coming. But they actually behaved well and were excited seeing all those pictures. Peddu kept saying "bhuva bhuva" meaning food in telugu. They kept seeing the picture and never tampered with the keyword. I was happy that I was able to complete the finally upload of today's pictures even with both of them sitting on my lap!

Coming to today's edition, its going to feature all the Veg Biryanis and Non Veg Biryanis, ending with a sweet note! I am sure you are going to be exciting with all the puddings and sweets that one can do with Rice!


This Quick n Easy Veg Biryani, comes from CurryLeaf, who says she loves experimenting with different types of biryani. This is much simpler because it doesn't require grinding or cooking separately! One pot meal is the mantra!

For Deepthi, it is the Vegetable Biryani that gives ultimate comfort. She fancies one pot meals and this one tops the list. Well she already has two other exciting one pot dishes, so be on alert to check them out!

As a showcase of her cooking skills, Divya Kudua prepares this Vegetable Biryani to woe her hubby dear. Previous to marriage, she carefully avoided the topic on her cooking skills. I would think she needed, after all her blog is a display of her culinary pro, that she has become!

If there is anybody, who can give a royal treatment for a Non- Veg dish, by making it vegetarian, then its DK. She has chosen the delicious and much famed Hyderabadi Biryani and made it completely vegetarian but nevertheless tempting. I am sure Mr. DK enjoyed it to the last morsel!

This tempting Vegetable Briyani is from Kamala, whose son is very fond of it. Well I am too if it looks as delicious as the picture!

Appreciating good food, motivates the cook to cook more. Well Kamalika finds herself in this spot very often and yes maybe we should thank her colleagues for getting her dish out such delicious ones! This Vegetable Briyani, is no less!

Kavya says thinking about a biryani, the first thing that comes to mind is the Hyderabad Dum biryani. Why not, the process involved though being lengthy brings in a great flavour to the cooked rice and what's more she makes a vegetarian biryani, which I am sure many are interested in!

Shazani biryani belongs to that class of elite rice dishes and Sindhura, being a vegetarian was apprehensive in tasting this delicious dish. To her surprise, it tasted out of the world and she elated when she finally laid her hands on this recipe, needless to say, it came out very tasty! She is a budding student and this adventure sounds too good!

Hari Bhari Biryani is another one of those interesting dishes that's sprung entirely from the innovation steak! Sunanda makes this green chutney and she adds a twist to the biryani she makes by adding that chutney. And voila you have this green green meal in a jiffy!

Supriya being the queen of her kitchen, decides to use more of masur dal in rice to bring out a great looking biryani. Not just that, she adds more vegetables to make this very healthy!

Then we have the famed Chicken Biryani making its way.

This delicious looking Chicken biryani is from Aparna, who says this is her version. Well from the different variety we have had, everything looks unique!

Served with love, anything will taste heavenly but Aquadaze's innovative berry pulao, takes the cake when it comes to introducing innovation to an one pot meal. Aquadaze takes us down a memory track with her, where she is seen drooling over a bowl of berry pulao in a famed restaurant. Since a trip there is not imminent, she recreates the magic!

Arundhuti makes this rich and tempting chicken pulao. She says when you are not in a mood to prepare the elaborate biryani, this comes to rescue! Its my pleasure getting to know Arundhuti's blog through this mela.

Jaya shares with us the events of one usually serene afternoon, which suddenly showed signs of becoming a very memorable one. She was in for a peek into the action drama or the theatre life and with it she shares her lovely chicken biryani. I was left wondering if I have continue reading the drama unfolding or go on drooling over the picture!

Jyothsna does a revisiting of sorts. Long absence from her precious space, kept her happy enjoying the food than struggling to click them away. But I guess one can't stay away for long. She does a come back with a classic dose of Chicken Biryani!

JZ sure knows how to captivate her reader's attention. Not just with her lovely pictures, but with most sought out dishes like Chicken Biriyanis. She says she is very fond of biryanis as they are a good shot to prepare while entertaining. Am sure her guests will be drooling most of the time, if she is dishing out dishes like these!

For most people cooking in microwave is an adventure. But Kayal does make it even better by cooking a chicken biryani in it! Her mom makes an yummy one when its for a crowd pleasing, so no wonder it came out great for a small group too!

When Meeta sent me a note saying her post for the mela is on its way, I jumped in excited. I knew I was in for a treat! But never expected something this fabulous. The South African Biryani that she finally made was downright gorgeous. Meeta is known to come up with great recipes and gorgeous pictures, so how can I ever say no for another feast to eyes!

Neema made this chicken biryani for the first time when she was newly married and was very happy that it was an instant hit with her hubby loved it. What else do we need than this kind of appreciation!

Rina comes with one innovative dish that makes use of the left over tandoori masala. She quickly adds veggies and other masalas, to prepare one tempting Fried rice!

Shifa makes this delicious Malabar Chicken Biriyani for her BIL. She says biryani is the most famous dish in Malabar. Be it any occasion, it can't be complete without this delicious treat!

Suma Rajesh sets out to put me on test. I am only glad that she liked my recipe! Thanks Suma for trying out my biryani and in the process sending me your version of the same!

If you are a fan of Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani, then Usha Rao's recipe, is for you. The beautiful picture speaks volumes of the taste hidden in picture and am sure this will get tried many times!

From Varsha, we have two lovely looking biryanis. Biryanis are for special days for Varsha. That's how her mom made and that's how she follows. This dish that she made for her hubby dear's birthday, made her happy that it came out well!

Varsha makes this delicious Chinese Chicken Fried Rice and opts to stay back home, rather than fight the snow for shopping. Well I guess having such a plate in front, makes up for any amount of shopping goodies!

Finally from me, another of Chicken Biryani!

After Chicken, comes rice dishes in other interesting forms!

Roopa made this delicious looking Egg biryani for thanksgiving day. I never knew of egg getting cooked along with rice, it simply looks great!

Usha Rao was in for lot of work. Procrastination had its toil on her and she was forced to draft this dish for the mela. How sweet! But she feels the time it took her to just post this delicious biryani, that I am bookmarking, she could've prepared it from scratch!

For Ann, there can't be anything more passionating than Fish. So imagine her plight when she heard that they won't be available. This happened during her teenage and she can still remember her disappointment on hearing the news. But she was assured it wasn't going to happen and it still remains her most favorite food. Its no wonder she came up with a Fish Biriyani that looks so appealing.

Sanhita gets down to making Fish Rice, which was often prepared by her mom when they were kids. I know its always interesting to go down the memory lane, thinking back of those dishes we loved as kids. So she makes this for her lil one, am sure he liked to taste his moms favorite dish!

Finally we have one delicious looking Mutton biryani! Anytime for an authentic biryani, we normally refer to Hyderabadi Mutton Biryani. And Usha Rao brings it right out to your screen for a virtual treat to this lovely dish!

Finally in this edition comes the sweet Treats! Check out each and every wonderful entry that sure will elate your senses!

Riz Condé, is Happycook's answer to having a dish with rice. This is a famous Belgium dessert that she started liking since the first time she ate. And to make things more funny, her in laws teases her that she can't be without rice for a meal. So imagine their reaction when rice comes in this form as dessert!

Sakkarai Pongal is something that gets prepared on most festivals. But believe me, anytime you make, it always gets lot of demand. And seeing Kamala's delicious bowl, well I can imagine how they must've enjoyed it!

This interesting Brown Rice Pudding comes from the talented Madhuram, who has very a interesting event themed on Egg replacement, which surely fits to be bookmarked! And this pudding is nonetheless interesting, where she uses soy milk and brown rice to create an yummy Pudding!

PG comes out with a beautiful experiment, that she takes up to do for her nephew. But most interesting thing about this bread is, it calls for rice flour! That is something I have never heard off, added to the fact of this delicious bread having pumpkin to it. All in all it looks like a lovely cake!

Rekha shares this recipe of the dish she eat at her aunt place. Paal Kozhukattai is something that's very delicious and famous dish from south and seeing Rekha's I can imagine the taste!

Zarda: Sweet Saffron Rice, this sweet dessert comes from Soma, who eat this at a party. When she wanted to recreate, she knew orange juice went into the preparation. After a long search, she ended up following her own and landed in a perfect yummy dish! do check on to read her cute lil's creative imagination too!

The Cooker hoots in her whistle baring two gorgeous bowls of forbidden rice pudding. How forbidden it is, I don't know. But hey how can one resist if these are doused with doses of almond and coconut milk!

Uma as usual makes all dishes look perfect. So its no wonder when she send me her version of a Sweet Pongal, you get down drooling over it!

This Milk Porridge or Paal Kanchi, as its called is an unique entry from Viki. This dish, I came to know, makes an excellent diet food for people and gets done fast. I was happy getting to know Viki's blog through this event, as she has some very interesting recipes posted!

We come to the end of today's edition. Looking forward to the grand finale of this Rice Mela, come back on Monday!

Have a great weekend!
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