
Chocolate Cake

3 rounded tablespoons cocoa powder
200g caster sugar
200g butter
3 large eggs, preferably free range
200g self raising flour, sifted
1 rounded teaspoon baking powder
200ml double cream
1 large handful raspberries
1 large handful strawberries

Chocolate Topping:

100g butter
100g best cooking chocolate
100g icing sugar
3 tablespoons milk


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F). Line the bases of 2x20cm cake tins with greased proof paper. Mix the cocoa powder with 4 tablespoons of boiling water until smooth. In a separate bowl, beat the sugar and butter until fluffy, add the cocoa mixture, eggs, flour and baking powder. Mix well fold in the nuts. Divide the mixture between the tins. Bake for about 25mins. When cooked, allow to cool then remove from the tins.
  • Melt the chocolate topping ingredients in a bowl over some lightly simmering water. Stir until blended well and allow to cool. Whip the double cream to soft peaks and sweeten with a little sugar to taste.
  • To assemble the cake, remove the greaseproof paper from both sponges. Drizzle each one with a little Sherry if you like. Spread the cream over one of the sponges, then sprinkle the fruit on top. Sandwich the second sponge on top and press down. Run a knife around the edge of the cake to smooth it off and drizzle over your chocolate topping. Allow the chocolate topping to firm up slightly before tucking in.
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