I'm following some of the recipe steps to make a "rossejat" but the final dish will be different. Maybe when spring is here I can show you how a real Rossejat is cooked.

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And now let's start cooking!
Ingredients for 4 servings: 300 grs of noodles (the thinnest possible NÂș 0 is what I used), 1/2 liter of vegetable stock, 4 garlic cloves, 400 grs of fresh big clams, 400 grs of cauliflower, 200 grs of dried mushrooms, olive oil, salt, black ground pepper and parsley.
- Pour 5 tablespoons of olive oil in a sauce pan and add 2 chopped garlic cloves, when fragrant add the clams (previously cleaned under tap water) and cover with the lid. Turn heat down to low and wait until clams open. When they do so add the chopped parsley and stir for 1 minute. Add some salt and black ground pepper. Reserve the clams.
- Have the mushrooms in hot water for 1/2 hour until they rehydrate. Strain and dry.
- In the same sauce pan saute the cauliflower and the mushrooms until the cauliflower is al dente. Reserve.
- Heat the vegetable stock so that we have it boiling when we need it.
- Get a paella or a stainless steel pan and pour 4 olive oil tablespoons. Peel and smash 2 garlic cloves with your fist and throw them in. Shake the paella and let the oil aromatize, when the garlic becomes golden discard.
- Now, at medium heat, throw the noodles in and stir with a wooden spoon until they get completely toasted. When they achieve this toasted golden colour quickly add what you had reserved (clams, cauliflower and mushrooms) and the boiling stock to cover the noodles. Add some salt and pepper to fit your taste. Sprinkle with some chopped fresh parsley.
- These thin noodles will be cooked in no time (follow your package instructions) maybe 4 to 5 minutes is enough. You shouldn't stir them while they get cooked. The dish will be done when they have absorbed all the stock. Enjoy!

Are you crazy about clams or noodles? See what I recommend you here under :D
Beans and Clams... perfect for these cold days.
Noodles paella with Duck... have I heard it's Duck season?
Broccoli's hot and spicy soup... let's change the cauliflower for a broccoli here!
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