Small Raw Mango, called as Vadumanga in Tamil, along with its Senior Raw Mango, with a back shot of where they came from. Picturised from our terrace.
Small Mango : Senior, see my friends in our Tree are asking us to come back. Shall we go?
Senior Mango : No day they will come here to join us. till then we shall wait here.
Do you feel any other conversation apart from this?
Now this small tale telling picture has to go for Click Spring/Autumn hosted by Bee and Jai.
I got this recipe from Here. These Deep Fried Tofu are called as "Tofu no Otoshiage". the recipe call's for some Fish. but i tried it with Tofu and Leek, which is called as Negi in Japan.
Tofu- 50 gms (Shredded)
Leek/Negi - 2tbsp ( Finely Chopped)
Salt - a pinch
Egg - 1 Beaten (little is enough)
Corn Flour - 2 tsp
Mix all the ingredients togeather. Add beaten egg a little, so that you can shape the Tofu in a ball shape. shape the tofu's like ball's. Heat the oil in a pan, and deep fry them in slow flame.
now the crispy, tasty, instant japanese starter is ready in a jiffy.
Leek/Negi - 2tbsp ( Finely Chopped)
Salt - a pinch
Egg - 1 Beaten (little is enough)
Corn Flour - 2 tsp
Mix all the ingredients togeather. Add beaten egg a little, so that you can shape the Tofu in a ball shape. shape the tofu's like ball's. Heat the oil in a pan, and deep fry them in slow flame.
now the crispy, tasty, instant japanese starter is ready in a jiffy.
Eggless Version: ( From Sathya )
add gram flour, green chilli's and little chilli powder to the crumbled tofu, wrap them up with bread crumbs and fry till they turn golden colour in slow flame.

I really loved these sinfull deep fried tofu ball's. it was crispy in outer and spongy inside. Leek certainly added a difference. Now this is my entry for A.W.E.D - Japan. event started my DK.
The Deadline for A.W.E.D - Japan is nearing, its just 5 days away. so keep rushing your entrie's.
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