
Mango Crepe


100g cake flour
25g potato starch
3 eggs
50ml fresh milk
220ml water
1 mango
some icing sugar

  • Mix flour, potato starch and 2 eggs in a big bowl. Pour in fresh milk gradually and continue to stir the mixture into a batter. Then add in water slowly and continue to stir. Once the batter thins, strain and set aside for 30 minutes.
  • Smear a flat-bottom frying pan with some oil and pour in the batter. Fry over low heat till crepe is formed. Repeat process to make many pieces of crepe.
  • Beat the remaining egg. Peel mango and cut into strips. Coat with beaten egg. Fry briefly before dusting with icing sugar.
  • Spread crepe on a plate. Put mango on top of crepe and roll up. Sprinkle some icing sugar. Serve.
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