
She Got That GLOW! Face and Body Scrub

I have been singing the praises of this natural face and body scrub since I found it on a hair care forum that I lurk religiously. It was submitted by a woman named Pokahontas and she is the TRUTH!!! After using it for a week and seeing how my skin glowed and how moisturized it was all day long, I told my friend about it who works in a spa. Her response was "Girl you do know those are the exact ingredients in the rejuvenation spa mask right" I knew it!!!!!lol I get sooo many compliments on my skin. I can't even tell you how many times my family and friends have said "You are glowing....are you pregnant?! lol and added bonus: it lessens the appearance of cellulite as well!! I was a little hesitant to try it out at first just because my skin is so sometimey. Normally for me a product works well only for a few days, but I've been using this stuff for God knows how long. This is a summer staple ladies, use it on your whole body. It really does make the skin look and feel like buttery silk. Thanks so much Pokahontas!!

"She Got That GLOW" Face & Body Scrub
  • 3 T. moist coffee grounds
  • 1 T. Olive Oil (I sometimes use grapeseed or sunflower seed oil)
  • 1/3 t. honey
Step 1: In a bowl add 3T. of brewed coffee grounds. Make sure they are still moist. (it doesn't matter what kind of coffee grounds.)

Step 2: Add in 1T. olive oil

Step 3: Add 1/3 t. pure honey

Step 4: Mix together. Let sit for about 5-10 minutes. I sometimes put it in the frige because that's what they do at the spa but it's not neccessary.

How to Use the Scrub
(this should be enough for about 3 applications for the face or 1 face and body application. I store leftovers in the fridge.)
First remove any makeup from your face with a mild cleanser and pat dry.

Next take a little bit of the scrub and rub it onto your face. Make sure you are over the sink because this stuff can be messy once you start applying it. Gently rub it into your face using slow circles. The coffee grounds can feel a lil rough but you want a good exfoliation.
Side note* Even though according to my plummer, coffee grounds are safe to go down the sink, I don't take any chances . I use a suction stopper in the sink and bathtub. I got this one at walmart.

Let the scrub sit on your face for a minute or two.

Quick story: I was applying this scrub one morning and my toddler walks into the bathroom and immediately starts crying and running around the house saying "mommy! mommy" LOL He didn't recognize me because when this scrub is on it makes it look like you have a zillion tiny black moles on your face. Kinda freaky looking.
Rinse with cool water and pat your face dry. You'll be able to feel a thin silky layer of the oilive oil and honey on your face. It will seep into your skin within a matter of minutes leaving it very hydrated, soft and silky.
Why This Scrub Works So Well
There are tons of information on the web about the benefits of these three ingredients on the skin.
Coffee contains natural ingredients that plumps the skin making it appear less wrinkled, rejuvenated and smooth. This is why it works well for cellulite. It doesn't really get rid of it, just plumps the skin to make it appear less noticable. It exfoliates well too.
Olive Oil is one of the worlds best natural moisturizing oils. It absorbs fast, brings balance to the skin, lasts long and soooo much more.
Honey is a natural humectant that traps moisture and holds it there.It also creates a natural glisten on the skin. (This was one of my key weapons that kept me from getting pregnancy stretchmarks (genetics my ass!) but I'll post that recipe later)
I hope you enjoy this scrub as much as I obviously do :0)
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