
Cake Mix Cookies

Hello...my name is Monique....and I'm a cake mix cookie-aholic. I've heard about these things for a long time, passed by a few recipes for them in various cookbooks but never thought to actually try them out.

Well one night I was having one of my extreme sugar cravings for some cake or cookies and had nothing sweet but ice cream in the house. I looked through my cabinets and there she was, beaming from way in the back...a box of lemon cake mix!!! *cue the singing angels* It was probably years old but to a sugar-crackhead that didn't matter.

I didn't feel like waiting 45 minutes for a cake to get done and thankfully I remembered this recipe. Cake mix cookies come to mama!! I quickly whipped up a batch and within minutes I was indulging in soft lemony cake mix cookie heaven.

There are like 7 million boxed cake mix varieties and as I was laying in bed that night I started having all kind of bad thoughts....like ohh I wonder how a carrot cake mix with walnuts mixed in and cream cheese glaze would taste....or a devils food cake mix with Reese peanut butter morsels...oh no even better.....ok yall here it is... a white chocolate raspberry cake mix with white chocolate chips! OMG I can't stop!!

Question to you: What combinations do you think would go well together? Help contribute to my addiction.

Cake Mix Cookies (Lemon)


1 box of cake mix (any flavor)
1/3 c. vegetable oil
2 eggs
1 cup of add-ins (candy, morsels, nuts, etc.) *optional*

Preheat oven to 350

Step 1.) Pour cake mix into a large bowl

Step 2.) Add 1/3 cup of vegetable oil

Step 3.) Add in 2 eggs

Step 4.) If you are adding in extra add-ins do so now. Mix until well combined.

Step 5.) Drop by the spoonful on an ungreased cookie sheet

Step 6.) Place into the oven and bake for 8-10 minutes. I usually start checking it after 8 minutes because it seems different cakes mixes require different times.

Step 7.) Remove from oven and let cookies sit on the pan for about 2 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool.

Now just sit back and enjoy the fruits of your hard labor. Yum!

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