
Daifuku - Japanese Sweet

First Let me Tell You, that you can send your entries for A.W.E.D - Japan till May 10th.

When I first Came across this Wonderfull Sweet in Veganyumyum. I loved the stuffing and the recipe, was resembling our Modak / Kozhukattai recipe. I wanted to give it a try, and when i have a reason for it, why should i delay, and when i tried it, i found it to be so easy. adding Adzuki bean's/Thatta Payir as stuffing, made this an healthy sweet too. I could not produce, the actual endresult, as the Modak preparation took over me. But iam sure, when the recipe give here is followed, you will relish it definetly.

Adzuki Bean's / Thatta Payir / Red Chori Bean

Adzuki Bean's Before and After Soaking.

and this was the first time, i tried these adzuki bean's called as Thatta Payir in Tamil and generally called as Red Chori bean in India. The stuffing part with this adzuki bean tasted so Good. This was the one, which highlighted the taste.

So Click Here for Recipe..

Daifuku with Adzuki Bean's Stuffing

This delicious sweet is for A.W.E.D-Japan.

japan A.W.E.D LOGO

You can send your entries to A.W.E.D - Japan, till May 10th, as i will do the roundup only by the weekend.

and I have a small wish. Japanese Love Cake is a Famous Dessert in Japan.
Here is the Recipe. the below are the ingredient's.

Japanese Love Cake Ingredient's

if any one could bake this cake, i will surely cherish and celebrate your attempt! Looking forward for your entrie's and reply's..
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