
Omelette dumplings


4 eggs
150g minced pork
3 stalks coriander
30g shredded ginger


1/2 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp light soy sauce
pinch of salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tsp potato starch

  • Beat eggs. Marinate minced pork with Seasonings. Rinse coriander and cut into small sections.
  • Using a flat-bottom frying pan, fry beaten egg over low heat till set. Place a teaspoon of minced pork on the omelette and fold it into a dumpling. Dish out (need not to wait till the meat cooked). Repeat process to make many omelette dumplings till all the ingredients are used up.
  • Heat up another pan and fry shredded ginger till fragrant. Add 500ml of water and bring to boil. Add in the dumplings and bring to boil again. Season with some salt. Dish out and scatter pepper and coriander on top. Serve.
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