
Taco Chicken, Cheese & Tomato Appetizer Sticks

I got this recipe from Woman's Day magazine. I was invited to a last minute surprise housewarming party and was told I was in charge of bringing an appetizer. (How you gonna invite somebody to a party the day of and volunteer them to bring something?! Sheesh!!) Anyway, I saw these and thought they looked tasty and easy. I made these up fairly quick and was out the door. Everybody kept raving about how good they were. They were gone within a matter of minutes! They really are pretty fun to eat. Just pop between your teeth, give it a pull and instantly your mouth is full of the perfect bite; creamy cheese, juicy tomato and spicy chicken! Who would have thought something so simple would pack so much flavor.
Taco Chicken, Cheese, Tomato Appetizer Sticks
1 chicken breast
Chili Powder or Taco Seasoning
Salt (optional)
1 tray of cherry tomatoes
1 bag or cheese cubes

Step 1.) Dice up a chicken breast into small cubes.

Step 2.) Season generously with chili powder or taco seasoning (I prefer taco seasoning) If using chili powder add about a teaspoon of salt as well.

Step 3. ) Heat 2 Tablespoons of butter until melted.

Step 4. ) Add chicken and cook until done over med-high heat.

Step 5.) Drain chicken and set aside to cool.

Step 6.) Now just slide a toothpick in the middle of the cheese, tomato and chicken! Be sure to go slowly with the cheese to prevent it from splitting in two.
*Tips* These lil kabobs are so versatile! Try using different meats and cheeses. I love doing lamb, feta and tomato or Italian chicken, mozzarella, & tomato. My husbands favorite is pepperoni, Gouda and tomato. Tasty!
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